Honestly in the indie area, it's not recent, but Blade Kitten. Spotted that on Steam and remembered having fun with it on my Xbox 360 long ago. Real cheap at 3$.
But I need to finish more indie games First! So it will be a reward once I finish Protodroid Delta. Which would've been a lot easier if it had cloud support so I could play it on my Steam Deck without restarting the game, but nooo
Unfortunately, centrists have just the right amount of the last few things to lack looking further into anything yet make a decision on shallow surfaces.
Which is EASILY manipulated by conservatives by simply lying that the other side is also doing their bad things. Boom. Now even turf to those who don't research.
Centrists seem to lack the ability to reach beyond their own worldview and cautiously accept what's in front of them to avoid rocking the boat.
Probably don't want to raise wages because it'd raise the price of hamburgers. Enjoy that now $12 Carl's Jr. Burger combo while you sit on not raising minimum wages. Scumbag.
*Sigh. I'm just frustrated at people willfully being blind to be happy. I get it... But it doesn't solve anything as evil continues marching on.