One of Bernie's biggest flaws is that he's working with the Democrats.
This is a big world, people's customs vary, and I'm not one who expects everyone to follow my moral judgements, but "COUSINS ARRESTED AFTER REFUSING TO STOP HAVING SEX DURING FUNERAL CEREMONY" doesn't throw up any red flags for you?
Not trying to dunk, more wondering whether I'm missing dry humor or a language barrier.
Isn't it lovely that this beautiful child, with a bit of determination and a whole lot of luck, escaped the orphan crushing machine?
Yup. Egg production is down ~2% from last year. Prices have doubled.
Egg monopolists are just saying "Fuck you, Pay me" and price gouging. Most of this country's problems stem from not breaking up big business.
Good news: Law enforcement has operatives highly placed in every domestic terror organization.
Bad news: they are not informants.
When you want a job done right, don't leave it to amateurs, go to
The post is not a "rule". OP didn't even ask people to stop using Red Bull. I'm glad to have more information.
If you really enjoy Red Bull, you're an adult, make your choices. Personally, I can take it or leave it, so I'll choose to leave it.
That comic is almost as surprising as the term. Humor has changed so much. You'd never get away with that much dialog in a comic these days.
Galvanized iron blankets sound like what the military would issue.
Note that these are emergency powers he's using. Supposedly this is a crisis.
That's why I don't believe the story. If it's true, whoever is holding the tapes could print money right now.
"Needing 8 Democrats to pass the budget" is what you call "a position of power". Democrats piss every bit of power away for nothing, then we're still swamped with idiots online going "what do you expect them to do?"
When Republicans need Democratic votes to pass something, that means Democrats should get something in return. When Dems are in power, they water down legislation and say they need to do that to court Republicans who still don't vote for the bill. When Dems are in the minority, they vote with Republicans and complain about not being able to do anything.