Reminds me of old school slashdot. A mix of techies, skeptics and libertarians. Luckily, the Demon Haunted World quotes stuck over the Ayn Rand junk. Last time I went on slashdot, it seems the libertarians took over. Never thought I'd see anti vaxxers there.
I'm having an easier time arguing with tankies then I did with right wingers. Right wingers don't even believe themselves, so they shift the goal posts around to suit their needs.
Small farm. Pickups are good for quickly hauling tools, fertilizer, seed, etc... to fields. Huge, thousand acre fields might use tractor trailers with flatbed or liquid holding tanks. We have a box truck for big deliveries, but a pickup will be good for small deliveries. More fuel efficient and easier in irregular parking lots then a box truck. I've also made a grease pumping setup on skids that I use to pick up wvo. That can go in most pickups.
When I have to drive though gridlock in NYC, what I see are yuppies in SUVs that wont make eye contact while they sit their asses in the middle of the intersection. I'm surprised those even fit in parking garages. They should really put a height limit on privately owned vehicles in cities.
I drive pickup because I'm a farmer. The comment here about pickups being terrible terrible at most jobs obviously comes from someone who doesn't use one for work. Are they really suggesting I buy three different vehicles and the environmental costs associated with producing them? I don't even like traveling for fun. My pickup is a 99, so it's not even that tall compared to what they sell now. I can do all my deliveries, pickups, and even took the back seat(4 door) out for more cargo space.
That being said, modern pickups have gotten too bulky without any gains 8n function. A dream build for me would be an 80s era square body with a modified Tesla rear end.
If we really want to start comparing, SUVs don't offer any more function over a classic station wagon. Build one of those with modern crumple zones, materials, and make it an EV and you have the perfect around town errant vehicle.
Downvote for bad technical advise, I think the person is a bad actor/bad faith argument, or if the person turns ~~hostile~~ to ad hominem attacks. I try not to downvote if I'm putting the effort into debating someone.
edit: for clarity
Are there other options on the ballet that aren't pro-oil/pro-economy? May want to start considering other boxes.
You fear the people that really own the technology, not the technology itself.
I'm not asking for solutions. I'm asking for what the logic of the puzzle is.
I did all the System Shock remake puzzles without guides or logic probes after looking up one guide for the wire puzzle because how the variables worked wasn't intuitive, so I get what you're saying. But like the wire puzzle, the node puzzles in SS2 aren't obvious how they work.
Not saying I approve, but there's carve outs when the whaling is part of a local tradition. Also, Pilot Whales are in the Least Concern category, so they're not going extinct from this.
See, the system works. Well, not for us.