
joined 3 years ago

I would like to share a thought (based on canonical information as much as possible) about healing by the Force seen in Ep9 and which has caused so much discussion.

I have always thought of it as very simple: the ability to heal is achieved by mastering the Living Force (which is one of the two aspects of the Force, the other being the Cosmic Force) and learning to "channel" it. As I understand from the prequels, the study of the Cosmic Force was very prevalent, while the study of the Living Force was lapsed and followed by a minority current of Jedi (e.g., the very first dialogue between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in Ep1). One aspect of mastering the Living force is maintaining one's self-awareness even after death (thus being able to manifest as a Force ghost), another may well be the ability to elicit healing from physical damage in living tissue. Anakin could not save his mother because, while potentially powerful, he knew nothing about it. Even Sidious did not know about it, which gives me pause as to how even the Sith as far as studying the Force were no better off than the Jedi, although then he must have learned something because in Ep9 he manages to absorb the Living Force from Ben and Rey to toughen his decaying body. While in the Ahch-To texts Rey found the ancient indications to that effect and learned it (and perhaps Plagueis similarly, or re-discovered it on his own). In Yoda's species this ability might be innate (Grogu heals Karga) but after a very long time spent considering almost only the Cosmic Force the master almost forgot it. Am I making it too simple? 🙃

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Nonetheless, many instances in my research aren't listed in the source you linked 🤔

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

What annoyed me of LibRedirect was that it continued to open frontends even when I disabled some voices, and other "aggressive" malfunctions that I don't remember now but occurred even if reinstalled. But probably now those problems have been fixed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

Good to know! I checked only their official Git repositories, and noticed that sometimes many instances were missing (e.g. https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/bibliogram-docs/tree/master/docs/Instances.md).

By the way, I tried LibRedirect some time ago but I still prefer Privacy Redirect; perhaps I should give it another chance.


Intrigued by the fact that many Bibliogram/Nitter/Invidious/Piped instances are from sites that also offer other services, I set out with good will to sift through them one by one, and here are the results: (and I must say I discovered many instances that are not indexed on the “official” directories).

Obviously if I missed any I will point them out and add them.


Intrigued by the fact that many Bibliogram/Nitter/Invidious/Piped instances are from sites that also offer other services, I set out with good will to sift through them one by one, and here are the results (and I must say I discovered many instances that are not indexed on the "official" directories).

Obviously if I missed any I will point them out and add them.


Intrigued by the fact that many Bibliogram/Nitter/Invidious/Piped instances are from sites that also offer other services, I set out with good will to sift through them one by one, and here are the results: (and I must say I discovered many instances that are not indexed on the "official" directories).

Obviously if I missed any I will point them out and add them.

Be Radio! (www.spreaker.com)

Siamo tre matti scatenati che cercano di far ridere (non solo i polli, per lo meno)!


(e visto che siamo sul Fediverso, ci trovate anche su Funkwhale e Pixelfed 😉)


Few days ago I discovered that any time you follow a fediverse account on a different instance than your one, the server you are on mirrors the original content of any toot/post, and I think this is a huge issue, because then every Fediverse server/instance could quickly get overloaded from contents from other servers! Am I right? I've always thought that toots/posts from other instances were just "empty shells" retrieving the content on demand.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Yes, I've been explained just in this way, that every content from another instance is mirrored on the one I'm on. I always thought that posts from other instances were "empty shells" calling original server for the content. I think this is a big problem, from a certain point of view.


Sometimes I think that vocational discernment should be "mandatory": such a fundamental part of a Christian's life journey cannot be left to individual initiative, but should be an integral part of Christian initiation, which in my opinion should continue until after the age of 20 (with the Confirmation). Here in Italy, many young people, even good Catholic, are not naturally led to question themselves about their vocation (whether it be consecrated life, marriage, priesthood, or none of them).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

No, I meant that I thought the Birdsitelive instance went down, for example due to saturation.


Some time ago I started following some Twitter accounts from the Mastodon instance I'm on, via one of the many Birdsitelive instances. Suddenly they all disappeared and I thought of a server down; no problem I followed them again via another Birdsitelive instance. Until this week: also those ones disappeared. Then I asked to my admins, they answered they are blocking Birdsitelive instances one by one because of their huge resource consuming on server. But: shouldn't the "weight" be on the side of the Birdsitelive server? From Mastodon I'm only reading, I shouldn't being generating anything. Am I missing some technical info?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

You are absolutely right. Removing Google apps and not entering a Google account on the phone are only a part of what can be done.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

My father is Mayor in a small town; some months ago they bought a phone (a Redmi) for the institutional phone number of the Municipality. You can imagine how many Google apps I had to uninstall... G-call, G-messages, G-contacts... well then I installed all alternative apps, no Google account on a municipality phone!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

There is a regularly mantained Signal-FOSS version, I use it: https://www.twinhelix.com/apps/signal-foss/ It has a F-Droid repository to be added.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Just have a look here: https://birdsitelive.fediverse.observer/list I found some instances that aren't saturated, but not every Birdsitelive instance works on every Mastodon instance. My suggestion is to follow a Birdsite profile that posts frequently and verify if you see the posts on the Mastodon you are on.


Può sembrare una brutta provocazione anti-democratica, ma è solo un dubbio sincero. Spero lo prendiate in quanto tale.

Ho cercato se se ne fosse già parlato qui, ma non ho trovato niente, in caso contrario mi scuso.

Ho avuto un pensiero improvviso: mettiamo che una certa questione venga approvata o affossata da un referendum; nel giro di, mettiamo, una ventina d'anni la popolazione votante può cambiare e anche di molto, a seconda della mortalità di chi era in là con l'età e dei bambini e ragazzi che sono diventati maggiorenni nel frattempo.

Per non parlare dei cambiamenti di mentalità, delle scoperte scientifiche nel caso la questione referendaria fosse stata di quell'ambito, ecc.

Alla luce di questo, come considerare la valenza di un risultato referendario con progressivo passare degli anni?

Davvero, prendetelo come un dubbio sincero, io non mi ritengo il più brillante degli esseri umani, quindi è probabile che sia la domanda a essere posta male.

Grazie a chi risponderà!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Proposed link from F-Droid Wiki isn't updated since 2017, this list is maintained instead: https://forum.f-droid.org/t/known-repositories/721