Yeah I can understand this. Wonder if you could block some of this frames to hide the ads.
joined 2 years ago
Portainer has been good for me, what's wrong with it?
Maybe he thinks founded is the past tense of found.
Interesting. I remember intentionally slowing to come second in a race when I was younger.
What're the issues with competitive games?
Not scared of showing a bunch of pretty gnarly framedrops.
Gangstas Paradise?
Madonna - Erotica?
Yeah these are mine too. Plus Soul Calibur. Maybe Canon Spike.
I think the point is to try and not be consumed by your thoughts. I get your point though.
I'm moderately capable but a bit of a noob and oddly enough have a t480 with Debian and been trying to get hibernate to work. Did you figure this out yourself or was there a guide you followed that you might be able to point me to?
GPD Win 4?