How do you get hdmi out if your phone doesn't support it?
I do this for a living if you get stuck and want to DM. I'd recco just getting a Focusrite Scarlett usb interface with enough inputs. Are you DIing your guitar (plugging it in) or recording it with a mic? There are plenty of free recording options. You on PC? If mac I'd just start with Garage Band. PC you could maybe just start with Audacity. Ardour is open source but I don't have experience with it. Reaper has infinite demo mode. There's a free pro tools but that might be a bit of a steep learning curve. If you want to add electronic elements it might be worth starting with one of the intro versions of Ableton.
Yeah one was a 7 plus
Yeah I've had Motorola phones too but the updates drove me nuts. I'm just on pixel now.
I've had two USB C ports fail on HMD phones. I like the hardware, love the vanilla android, like the value, but I've never had a USB C port fail on anything else. I know it's just personal experience but it means I can't trust getting another again.
I'm doing this with TOTK at the moment but it does mean I'm kind of ignoring the story aspects.
FF7 isn't the best FF
I found the first dark tower a bit of a slog. Worth me making a start on the second you think?
Still can put together a cheaper setup than a MacBook. And people have their own already as the other person said.
Sound Designer/Creative Director. Audio post production for TV. Mostly commercials but some film and TV.
I'm early onto my journey with this and tossing between logseq and obsidian. Thoughts?