
joined 2 years ago
[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 months ago

Origin story of Captain Amish

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago
[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 months ago

"Confusing children during pivotal construction of their identity."

Discovering and accepting your identity very much is what transitioning is. According to general society being born as a specific sex implies that identity. In everything from hobbies, clothing, friends. But what if you realise your identity does not align with what your sex implies? Even if it's something small like a 15-year old boy who likes knitting. That aspect of their identity goes against the implied or expected identity that is based on their physical sex. Is the boy confused because he likes knitting or because what he's been told what his identity should be doesn't mesh with who he is?

"Suicide causes for transgender teens is often reported as bullying or bigotry, but not often reported on the lack of support for dysphoria and other mental health conditions."

How are transgender teens supposed to get support for dysphoria if they are instead isolated? In my experience dysphoria isn't something you just talk to a therapist about and then it's cured. It's the horrible visceral feeling I got whenever I was forced to wear a dress shirt. What fixed that? Not wearing a dress shirt. The freedom to wear the clothes that make me comfortable.

"A lack of stability in life often leads to chaotic life altering decisions, sometimes self harm and death."

My life wasn't more stable before I knew what transgender meant and realised I didn't identify as a man when I was 19. It was filled with depression, self-isolation, and suicidal ideation. A slow but steady spiral into nothingness. It's not like dysphoria only exists if we know it exists. Realising I was trans was certainly chaotic. But the reason it was so chaotic was that the identity that had been built up for me was shattered. So now I had to find and rebuild my identity from scratch. What most people spend their time doing from 5-16 I had to do over because I didn't fit into the identity I was told to build.

I dealt with self-harm. Still struggle with it sometimes. I learned as a kid to bottle up my feelings. Be it regular sadness or stress, or dysphoria. So I began to use self-harm as a way to escape and cope with those feelings. When I could no longer bottle them up. Just like how people drink to drown their sorrows or do drugs to escape reality. I believe I never would have begun to self-harm if I had been able to build the identity I wanted from the start. If I was allowed to cry, or to express myself in ways that help me cope naturally.

Why is the inclusion of people - or teenagers in this case - that don't fit the pre-existing mould and expectations such a problem? The idea that not everyone automatically fits into pre-conceived notions of what a boy and a girl is, or likes, or does, or acts. Is that such a threat to school or society in general?

Yes we need more help for people with gender dysphoria. But that help isn't isolation from society. That help isn't stopping people from trying to figure out who they really are.

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

People can hate other people simply to make themselves feel better. Or for societal gain. That is less a reason for "why should this person be hated", and more "what will I gain for hating/inciting hate against this person".

You can go to pretty much any school and find someone being excluded or bullied for a nonsensical reason. I remember growing up when being "gay" was the worst thing someone could be in middleschool. That hate didn't come from reasoned arguments or even fear. It came from something being different and the knowledge of calling someone out for being gay could societally give you a leg up on them.

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

"I hear voices. But I just ignore them and carry on killing."


He's even bringing horse-girls and elephant-girls!

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

Phil just generates AI image promps and tries to claim it as his art

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

"Would you still love me if I was a decomposing zombie in a cheap green suit?"

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

Shitty code

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 months ago

Permanent underground storage where it will naturally decay. Are a couple of different methods available from what I understand. And the amount of material that actually needs to be stored is a fraction of what is instead released into the air, water & soil from fossil based fuel. Not to mention toxins like mercury etc.

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Rats! We're rats! We're the rats!

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

When I EXPLICITLY asked waiter for french onion soup with no onions.

[–] Elwynn@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

The origin of what became known as "deez nuts".


"Man that's wild!"


(Picture source: My Deer Friend Nokotan)

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Elwynn@lemmy.ml to c/historymemes@lemmy.ml

Recently stumbled on an anime (though if it's anime can be debated) which are essentially just history shitposts on ancient greece. Each episode ends in a song, this being one of my favorites.

Edit: it seems some episodes are on youtube https://youtu.be/LF0ufQp_nmY?si=q3Ncev1Rj5KzE3ph


If you took the LCD screen from a tablet. Segmented it into equally sized rectangles, and then added connection ports on the sides of each rectangle. Could you then separate and stack the rectangles on top of eachother to save space? And then fold it back out to create a tablet-sized screen again.

(Crude drawing of what I mean) Crude drawing

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