I understand what you're saying and in some moments it hurts to watch (especially when Linus tried running apt-get on Manjaro), but you missed the point of the video. It's not a Linux beginner guide or a review of Linux. This project was meant to show how user friendly Linux is and if an average person could easily switch from Windows.
Many of the things you listed are reasonable, but it's totally unfair to expect a casual user to read documentation, know a difference between X11/Wayland or be aware that you have to set a file as executable if you want to launch something. Windows can be bloated, can violate your privacy, be clunky and to this day it has elements from Windows 97, but you know what's great about Windows? It doesn't require from a casual user to read documentation and know many technical details to get the basic job done and that's what matters for most users.
The only thing I totally disagree is the MS Teams part. Is it a total dumpster fire on Linux? Yes. Is it completely Microsoft's fault? Yes. Is it fair to talk shit about Microsoft because of it? Absolutely. But one thing really gets me and I heard it a couple times from people only using Linux and that's that you can always switch to a different platform or if your organization is using a proprietary technology you can explain to them why it's not a good idea and why they should switch. Seriously? In what universe are you living? If your company/school/university is using Teams, you're using Teams if you want it or not. There's pretty much 0% chance of you convincing them to switch to something different. If the whole Ltt is using Teams and it's necessary to run the business, switching to something different would be a huge problem and doing it just because two guys were using Linux as a side project is ludicrous.
Again, even though your points are valid, they don't really apply in this case, because it meant to show how the transition would look for an average user. It's not a critique of Linux as a whole, it's how Linux would fit in a daily life of a normal person.
Be honest, have you ever seen a casual Windows/macOS user reading documentation? People do what seems to be intuitive and if they can't do it, they google it and check a few first links, that's it.
People working in corporations don't have a choice, the same goes for students. If a company/school uses proprietary software, employees/students have to use it too. Besides, tell me what's an open source solution that can replace MS Teams in a workplace?
By "normal person" I meant not tech-savvy users. Believe it or not but if you asked people on the street if they can name at least one unix-like system command, they wouldn't know what the fuck you're talking about.