
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

I started Avowed, but it didn't really grab me for some reason. So, I'm re-playing Persona 3 Reload because I never got around to checking out the Episode Aigis content. And, of course, Balatro on and off as my go-to, casual time killer.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

This legislation was written to protect American tech bros, pure and simple. OpenAI is screaming about how DeepSeek stole their data, and how China-made AI is a huge security risk. Of course, OpenAI stole the data from us first, and it's not actually a security risk if you download the model and run it locally on your own hardware, offline. They're just throwing a fit to protect their massive profits.

But what they fail to understand is: you can't un-foot the lettuce.

DeepSeek has been on Hugging Face and GitHub for a while now. Plenty of time for independent AI model makers to download the whole dataset, intermingle it with other datasets, and create a hybrid that won't give you bullshit answers when you ask it about Taiwan or Tiananmen Square. Technically, no longer an AI model developed in China, and just as problematic for OpenAI.

The community will continue to make iterations of this new toy as well, so the next DeepSeek could easily come from Canada, Poland, Korea, India... you get the idea. Hawley's going to be busy, trying to ban the whole world. Which, in fairness, does seem to be the greater MAGA foreign policy strategy right now.

The point is, bad legislation won't fix the fact that OpenAI needs to re-think their strategy. We already know that you don't need to build Skynet to create ChatGPT v6, and they've been bullshitting us for a while now.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Okay, I think we're on the same page; we're just saying it two different ways. Trump and his core/inner circle are racist? Yes, agreed. There are low-income people who are voting against their best interests, and gutting education makes it even worse? Yes, also agreed.

The key point I'm trying to make is: it's not inherently the fault of these lower-income people that conservatives have actively tried to keep them stupid. Lumping these unlucky rubes in with the actual malefactors isn't helpful, it's just kicking them when they're already down.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Painting "the others" as killers and destroyers is exactly the sort of rhetoric that racists use to dehumanize minorities. If you want the population at large to believe that we're better than the racists, then we have to actually be better than them-- not fall into the trap of thinking like they do.

Sure, some Trump supporters are inherently broken people that you can't even have a civilized conversation with. No one is denying that. I'm saying that some are just very misguided and although we're all very tired of dealing with them, writing them off as lost causes is only going to make our current problem bigger.

Modern psychology can successfully deprogram former cultists; we do not march these people straight into a wood chipper.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

There's a big difference between saying "a majority of his supporters are racist" and "their core is 100% racism." This is exactly the trap you have to avoid if you want to start moving forward.

There's also a big difference between defending racism and pointing out the fact that-- like it or not-- some Trump supporters are minorities, and that forces us to accept that there's something besides racism at play here.

Is this exhausting? Absolutely. Trump should not even be eligible to run for public office as far as I'm concerned, and yet here we are, dealing with the third straight Presidential election where we have to ask ourselves why his polling numbers are as high as they are despite how thoroughly awful he is as a human being. And because people are tired, we're willing to accept an easy answer rather than dig deeper.

But if we dismiss this recurring nightmare yet again by saying that only racists voted for him, there's no point in trying to debate a racist, so we should never engage with any Trump voter, ever, until the End of Time? Then progress isn't going to last very long, because we'll have failed to understand why some people believe so strongly that the system is broken that they'd rather vote for a convicted felon than someone who is actually qualified to be President. That sentiment is only going to spread if we don't figure out why so many people are feeling so disaffected.

It's like we've discovered a weird lump on our collective pancreas. It's uncomfortable, we don't want to think about it, and we all hope that it'll just go away, but no. You have to biopsy that thing. Ignoring it would be irresponsible.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 7 months ago (21 children)

There's no question in my mind that the oligarchs in the U.S. want to encourage racism and culture wars, in order to keep lower-class Americans at each others' throats rather than united against the bourgeoisie. It's also true that populist dictators have leveraged, and continue to leverage, anti-immigrant and other racist viewpoints in order win support and push their twisted ideologies on their entire country. Trump is, without question, an example of a would-be dictator who's in the pocket of billionaires and is appealing to Christofascists in hopes of going back to the White House in lieu of jail.

That being said, articles like these which insinuate that Trump's campaign is primarily about racism is a repetition one of the key, fatal mistakes that Hillary Clinton's campaign made in 2016. It's also not a good way of fixing the "us vs. them" environment that allows the oligarchs to keep thriving.

While it's hard for us to understand their motivations for doing so, some voters in the black, Latino and Asian communities still support him. It's irresponsible and short-sighted to pretend these voters don't exist, so it becomes necessary to concede that while many of Trump's supporters are indeed racist, there are still some legitimate ideological reasons why certain people continue to embrace conservatism. And if you actually want long-lasting change in this country, you have to engage with those people and not dismiss them as being just as deplorable as the rabid Trump cultists.

Granted, it's getting harder with each passing week to justify supporting Trump for non-racist reasons, as seen by the fact that some conservative influencers have started walking back support for him. That being said, there remains a perception (no matter how invalid) that Kamala Harris is an insider, a cog in an inherently corrupt political machine, while Trump is the guy who's going to drain the swamp. I know perfectly well that Trump is way more corrupt than Harris, but the 'drain the swamp' narrative sticks because some Democrats have been just as subservient to the oligarchs as Republicans. Even when they controlled the White House and Congress, they didn't undo the Reagan-era tax cuts for the wealthy, or cut the billions of dollars in spending on defense contractors, or pass any reforms that would make our government more accessible to non-elites (like term limits or ranked choice voting).

The status quo isn't working out too well for the majority of Americans, and the Democrats represent a continuation of that status quo. A lot of these disaffected Americans just want to see the system "shaken up" in hopes of seeing an improvement. The "vote them all out" sentiment is popular for a reason. Hopefully, those people realize we already gave Trump a chance in 2016, he didn't fix a damned thing, and it's not going to be any better for them if he gets a second term. However, Democrats in the U.S. (just like Labour in the U.K.) are going to have to deliver some significant improvements in the quality of life for the common folk instead of serving the oligarchs first and foremost. Otherwise, we're just going back to conservative leadership in a few years, and the next would-be dictator might be less incompetent than Trump was in staging a coup.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

As the article points out, the original lyric from American Idiot is, "I'm not a part of a redneck agenda." They changed it to, "I'm not a part of a MAGA agenda."

...Can this even be considered a significant change? It's more like a modernization of the original language. Whose agenda did they think Green Day was previously referring-- oh, right. They probably didn't do any research, did they? It's just manufactured outrage, so they can pretend that the left is just as vile as they are.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 7 months ago (1 children)

This was the right decision in 2023. Making it now, a month before the DNC, means they have completely circumvented the primary elections and robbed voters of their chance to select the nominee. We've gone from millions of people having a voice in the nomination process, to a group of less than ten thousand, and that is disenfranchisement on a massive scale.

Don't get me wrong, I would vote for a dead raccoon before I'd vote for Trump. But we deserve better than to have Trump's opponent hand-picked on our behalf like this. I'll vote for whoever that is, but we should absolutely give the Democrats hell once this is all over. The duopoly in our elections needs to end, if they can't be trusted to honor the basic fundamentals of the system.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

The complete collapse of our government by having so many terrible, terribly unqualified people into positions of power they shouldn’t hold.

So, this is the part of Project 2025 that I don't think gets enough attention. The Heritage Foundation wants to fire thousands of government employees in the civil service, and replace them with political appointees loyal to Trump. There are lots of reasons why that's a bad idea, but from a purely practical standpoint, there's the simple fact that you are never going to get thousands of people qualified enough to replace them.

It was bad enough when it was just the senior leadership of government agencies who were largely unqualified. They were incompetent, but you had all these experienced people underneath them, keeping things running despite the dysfunction. Not that it wasn't confusing at times-- by 2020, the turnover in Trump's cabinet had gotten so bad that no one was quite sure who was serving in what leadership role, and whether or not they were doing so legally.

Anyway, take the dysfunction of 2020 and multiply it by a factor of however many civil service employees they're going to fire. Yeah. That equation works out to: absolutely nothing getting done.

Of course, it's entirely possible that the Trump Loyalty Committee will be terrible at their job of vetting prospective appointees, and most of these experienced civil service employees could manage to keep their jobs by lying their asses off. It's not as if Trump is actually going to be paying attention. His handlers are just going to tell him it was a great success no matter what happens, he'll grunt in approval and go back to throwing hamburgers at the wall.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I don't expect impartiality from an outlet like Bloomberg, but it's important to point out that this isn't new relief, just a further step toward fixing a fundamentally broken program that was supposed to provide this relief years ago. Personally, I have nearly sixteen years of qualifying employment but still haven't had my loans forgiven due to mishandling by the companies, and deliberate sabotage of the program by Betsy DeVos.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 8 months ago (2 children)

And her reasoning was, of all things, that the appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith was illegal. I would have expected her to say that relocating the classified docs to Mar-a-Lago was an official act, done while Trump was still President, but no. She based this idiotic decision on even shakier legal ground. Doesn't this mean that the appointment of Special Counsel David Weiss was illegal too? Shouldn't Hunter Biden's conviction be expunged, based on Judge Cannon's logic here?

[–] [email protected] 41 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Looks interesting, but I gotta be honest: when I click on the Steam page and the first thing I see is a cash shop to buy "Epoch Points" for this early access game? That's an instant turn-off for me. I'm sure it's not as predatory as what Blizzard did with D4's monetization, but I don't want it in my games, period.


The indictment from Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith charges Trump with four felony counts related to his efforts to undo his presidential election loss, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. The charges could lead to a yearslong prison sentence in the event of a conviction.

The former president was the only person charged in the case, though prosecutors referenced six unnamed co-conspirators, mostly lawyers, they say he plotted with, including in a scheme to enlist fake electors in seven battleground states won by Biden to submit false certificates to the federal government.

Not mentioned in the article: Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya has set Trump's next court appearance for August 28, 2023, just a few days after the upcoming Republican presidential primary debate. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan will preside over this next appearance, and she is expected to set the trial date then. Judge Upadhyaya told Trump and his legal team today that Judge Chutkan is willing to waive Trump’s appearance at the hearing so he doesn’t have to attend.


A team from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Monterey Bay Aquarium is looking for the otter to catch and rehome her. Unfortunately once the otter is caught, Monterey Bay Aquarium spokesperson Kevin Connor told NPR, she won't be able to return to the wild.

The animal, officially known as otter 841, was born in captivity — because it's mother had also been too friendly with humans — and then successfully released into the wild in June 2020, Connor told NPR. It wasn't until September 2022 that she started exhibiting her bizarre behavior at Steamer Lane.

At the time, CDFW and aquarium staff were able to drive the animal out of the area, a process called hazing, in hopes of deterring her from interacting with people. But her most recent interactions show she's no longer afraid of humans, Connor said.


The senator's office has announced that she will not seek reelection in 2024. Some Democrats outside the Senate have publicly called on her to resign now so that California's Democratic governor can appoint a successor and the Judiciary Committee can have a new member.

But Feinstein has refused to step down or even to discuss it, at least so far. That means that for the remainder of the 118th Congress, her ability to attend and vote will be a matter of intense concern for her party.

It also raises questions about the institution's ability to deal with its internal issues of absence due to aging or disability.

Far from new, these issues have been part of the Senate's peculiar sense of itself and the prerogatives of its members throughout the institution's history.

South Carolina's legendary Strom Thurmond served in the Senate until shortly after his 100th birthday, performing his duties as the Senate president pro tempore. Also holding that position to the end was Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, who died in 2010 at age 92 after 51 years in the Senate (still the record).


Israel has launched a large-scale military operation against Palestinian militants in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. It started with multiple drone strikes and Israel has sent in ground forces, leading to gun battles on the streets.

Palestinian officials say eight Palestinians have been killed and more than 50 others wounded. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they were striking "terrorist infrastructure in the Jenin area." Israel's foreign minister says they are not planning to widen the operation to the whole West Bank.


According to the criminal complaint, surveillance video shows Rodgers carrying a blue flag attached to a wooden flagpole as he approaches a line of law enforcement officers guarding the entrance to the East Rotunda Door. Investigators said Rodgers used his flagpole to strike a U.S. Capitol police officer three times on the helmet and then swung the flagpole twice more in the direction of officers.

More than 1,000 people have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for alleged crimes related to the Capitol breach, according to officials. More than 350 people have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.


The survival of affirmative action in higher education is the subject of two related cases, one involving Harvard and the other the University of North Carolina. The Supreme Court has previously approved of the use of affirmative action in higher education in decisions reaching back to 1978. But the justices’ decision to take the cases suggested a willingness to revisit those rulings.

The justices will also decide the fate of President Joe Biden’s plan to wipe away or reduce student loans held by millions of Americans. When the court heard arguments in the case in February, the plan didn’t seem likely to survive, though it’s possible the justices could decide the challengers lacked the right to sue and the plan can still go forward.

A clash of gay rights and religious rights is also yet to be decided by the court. The case involves a Christian graphic artist from Colorado who wants to begin designing wedding websites but objects to making wedding websites for same-sex couples.

Another case that could end as a victory for religious rights is the case of a Christian mail carrier who refused to work on Sundays when he was required to deliver Amazon packages.


An unverified video posted on the "Razgruzka Wagner" (Wagner's Combat Vest) Telegram channel showed a scene in a forest where small fires were burning and trees appeared to have been broken by force.

It carried the caption: "A missile attack was launched on the camps of PMC Wagner. Many victims. According to eyewitnesses, the strike was delivered from the rear, that is, it was delivered by the military of the Russian Ministry of Defence."

Prigozhin vowed to avenge the incident: "There are 25,000 of us and we are going to figure out why chaos is happening in the country."

But he also added: "This is not a military coup."


The first version of the newsletter included the quote, “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,” and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely clear, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi leader.

Late Wednesday, after The Indianapolis Star reported on the quote, the local Moms for Liberty chapter updated the newsletter to add a “context” section.

“The quote from a horrific leader should put parents on alert,” the updated version read. “If the government has control over our children today, they control our country’s future. We The People must be vigilant and protect children from an overreaching government.”

By Thursday morning, the chapter had removed those versions and posted its new copy of the newsletter, replacing the Hitler quote with the chair’s apology.


The snail can grow up to eight inches long, and can potentially carry the parasite rat lungworm, which may cause meningitis in humans and animals. The snail should not be handled without gloves because of the meningitis risk.

The snails can lay over 2,500 eggs in just one year, making the population difficult to contain. Florida has successfully eradicated the giant African land snail twice before, in 1975 and 2021.


A spokesperson did not immediately respond Monday night when asked whether she intends to vote.

The statement was released on the eve of when rules surrounding the trial are expected to be finalized Tuesday by the Texas Senate. There are 31 senators in the chamber, which is led by Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who has declined to comment on Sen. Paxton’s potential participation in the trial.

Ken Paxton is temporarily suspended from office pending the outcome of the trial.


Like a never-ending arms race, the price to become president has skyrocketed.

In 2020, almost $6 billion was spent on the presidential race alone, roughly four times what it cost two decades ago. (Even adjusting for inflation, it cost almost three times as much as in 2000.)

Including congressional races, the cost was more than $14 billion, double that of 2016.

In the last open GOP primary in 2016, candidates spent roughly $400 million, followed closely by super PACs, for $768 million in total primary spending, according to the former Campaign Finance Institute (which has since merged with Open Secrets).

In this cycle, candidate spending is expected to jump to at least $500 million with super PACs again spending about the same or a little less than the campaigns.

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