I'm not overly familiar with the Dolphins that are out, are any of theirs as big a deal as Kolton being out?
joined 1 year ago
Straight outta van down by the river
The Insane Rise Of Aidan O'Connell's Mustache. It starts with him not having one & ends with The Autumn Wind like it's talking about him and his "bristling black mustache". Maybe in a few more years it will knock you 'round and upside down and laugh when it's conquered and won.
The Insane Rise Of Aidan O'Connell's Mustache
Hopefully the change of scenery & being with AP will do him good. This post about him on the Patriots reddit page is a fun/interesting read: https://www.reddit.com/r/Patriots/comments/17ugvwb/garafolo_the_patriots_are_waiving_cb_jack_jones/
They're world famous for their updog
Bo noes
Porn stars, maybe
Coach JaMarcus Russell
The Broncos should be in a tier titled Own.
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Looks like John Turturro