This is just terrible
I just recently got back into minecraft. Man it's addicting. Like I'll just chop down one more tree before bed annnddd now it's two hours later.
Once upon a time I did stagehand work like this. If you have riggers or personal working over head, you need clear lines of communication open. Someone should have been calling the drop of set prieces, and the ground crew should have been responsible for catching the lowered sections and keeping other crew out of the way. Also, the ground cables should have been pulled first, to protect them from damage as the set comes out.
Nothing about this sounds like it was done correctly! The lead carpender and scenic lead should have been all over this! You have heavy metal parts coming out of the air and no one was even calling it!!?? Probably didn't even have radios. This was 100% preventable.
You have a right to be angry. However the answer to where do you put a millon detained poeple, a labor camp. To replace the migrants we chased out of the country.
How can this feel so wholesome and creepy at the same time?
They're boot lick'en good!
Me too! What a great time we all had not doing murder.
Oh great, we're on the Darth Jar Jar timeline.
Eh, why not. Let's see what happens!
Lol! This got a laugh out of me
I need to put a lock on my chicken coup at this rate.
How is eliminating school lunch programs helping!?