When I was 8 I was playing tag in the pool, and my friend jumped in after me to tag me, and his teeth collided with me skull. I had to get staples. He didn't have a single break, lost tooth, or chip in his mouth
joined 1 year ago
Atleast the Tonsils 👉👈UwU
I'm doing good myself. Just stayed in today. Didn't do anything fancy. It was nice
There, changed it. Still feel like checking in on people. Hopefully everyone is OK
It's a multi faceted blame. Yes, you blame the hardware that's helped used to commit the crime, then you blame the people using it to commit the crime, then you blame the people still allowing it to be done. Look at America for example. People use guns to kill children in schools. Then you blame the person for committing the crime, then you blame the politicians who refuse to make it harder to get a gun
Just wait for the next World War. Canada will have it's revenge
He can fry himself
Kinda gay ngl
I'm doing good. Ready to go to work, and then make a Valentine day card for my friend