Had a homeless guy get right in my face and shouted UGLY!
I know that probably has more to do with his life than mine, but it's hard not to take it personally and wonder if it's what everyone else is too polite to say.
Had a homeless guy get right in my face and shouted UGLY!
I know that probably has more to do with his life than mine, but it's hard not to take it personally and wonder if it's what everyone else is too polite to say.
He did support Israel and would again, honestly this isn't something that any canidate likely to win would change.
Yay America.... 🙃
Laughs in sober asexual transexual
🤣 😂 🤣
I mean it's funny how little these peoole understand the issues they are so passionate to talk about.
never felt like I needed to post my life for the whole world to see
As he posts a story from his life 🙄
Dude is so oblivious and arrogant. He barely knows her and is already judging, thankfully smart girl saw the signs and dodged a bullet. It's rare for greentext to have a happy ending.
Miranda sings played Wow?
Republicans went on to imply that other forms of milk like almond milk, soy milk, etc were communist beverage
Ohhhhh of course he did. 🙄
like whenever I see other trans women who don’t pass it gives me a little burst of dread
As a someone who does pass, these moments fill me with guilt and a degree of imposter syndrome as I wonder why I got to be lucky when I am no more valid than anyone else. And then that's more guilt as I then become self-conscious of something that I know so many people strive and yearn for. But these moments also prompt memories of my early days when I was absolutely not passing, and how fragile, scared and humiliated I felt.
Letting go of passing as a concept entirely is probably unrealistic for most of us, but when you have these moments of dread it's healthier to recognize your common fears, struggles and vulnerability. Don't let dread win, because you only ever notice 100% of the people you do notice. Some of us eventually live in stealth, and then have internalized intrusive thoughts from that as well.
In a sense I guess I'm saying the grass is always greener, so it's better to learn comradery with those that feel the same as you do, as opposed to using them as a yard stick for yourself. It's not something that will just click and fade away, but a consenious choice to be the kindness we all want to see in the world.
Religious freedom only applies to MY RELIGION, never yours. 🙄
Yup! Copyright and trademark are different things and Disney lawyers have already insulated the company. Yes it will technically enter public domain, but nothing will actually change.
Honestly I think the pan, mask and the glasses are kind of a curse? How would I ever know if people actually like ME or just the glasses? All of my relationships would require keeping the glasses on, that's just stressful! How would I enjoy the taste of food or ever try new meals if it's always great? I'd just make the same thing over and over while being content, not actually happy. And if I sleep only an hour a day that's just gonna put me out of sync with the world and lead to loneliness.
The long cool down on the penny is honestly it's best feature, gives you room to still live your life.
Calling it now,the next MCU Kang appearance will be by Don Cheadle with the first line being...