
joined 2 years ago


[–] 5 points 1 week ago (6 children)

there's no way to monetize lemmy, right?

just making sure i'm on the right liferaft...

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Boost for android

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

wait.. TARS was an in camera model? what?!

Sometime later (and deeper): "hmm... seems very uneven.. going to have to use a self leveling magma.."

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Usually when it's brought up, it's people suggesting he's assassinated 6 months before the end of term. But as you know his first term in office came and went without incident. It's all a bit pointless really, since Revelation isn't talking about him (the 3 1/2 years is actually half of a 7 year period in Revelation which doesn't fit American politics at all). Not to mention there have been many grandiose and self centred leaders through history.. it's tempting to see parallels though. I guess that's why Revelation had remained a curiosity through thousands of years.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Isn't a presidential term 48 months?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You are not making much sense

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Indeed. Which makes it an even bigger problem that there are hardly enough moderate politicians saying "here's what we hear you saying about migration and he's what we will actually do to rectify that"

[–] -3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I didn't mention the censorship because he is wrong about that

I also don't agree with his quote about "no need for barriers". I wasn't aware he had said that.

He is referring to the poor handling of migration in Europe, which is true. And the general ignoring of popular outrage at how migration is managed.

That he is a fascist dickhead is indicative of the problem. Many many people who are not racist think migration is handled terribly in Europe and the problem is moderate politicians are hopelessly slow to engage with this and as a result the only people talking about it are fascist nutbags...

The problem with democracy is sometimes the majority legally vote for the checks and balances to be weakened..

Pray, I guess?


I like to binge read and self educate. When coming to a new topic (let's say History of Western Art or Pharmacology) I've never found a single place where I could look up the key texts that a university student would be reading to get into the subject. Usually I search around and find an actual university's reading list or something equally well put together but it's hit and miss.

Had anyone ever come across a single place that holds this kind of info over a wide range of subjects? (Books specifically)


Am looking for a compact paperback encyclopedia but am struggling to find one available in the UK. I used to have the Hutchison compact, but believe that was last printed in the 90s..


You know, "hatch". But it's funnier saying door. Could a ship just dock with it, equalise pressure, and open the hatch? Or is there some sort of security? I tend to think there's no lock because of a macabre situation where the crew are dead and the station is being recovered. But it's amusing to think in space they don't need to keep the doors locked.


I was listening to the New Year's Day concert by the Vienna philharmonic and wondered who one of the composers was so used a popular song recognition app. (I expected it would make some fuzzy match on the piece and give me the name + composer). To my amazement it did give the name and composer but as played by the Vienna philharmonic in 2005 in the same location. The orchestra does not have the same members as 19 years ago, nor was it the same conductor, so it seemed the piece was matched on the acoustics of the Musikverein where they were playing, which I found astonishing.


Believe I've finished this (if anyones stuck on any clues am happy to help), but am just mystified as to how some of the clues are supposed to work..

34a A posh car taking carriers outside department store

_ A _ R _ D _

So for this I had "Harrods". So "department store". The "posh car" is rolls royce giving the RR. But I'm lost as to how the remaining letters on the outside (HAODS) are "carriers". It almost seems like a typo for HANDS, which would make sense, but obviously doesn't give Harrods, or anything else that makes sense

Help? An I missing something or is this a mistake by the setter?


For the regulars this ought to be easier than your usual broadsheet cryptic, and I believe I've completed it, am just mystified as to how some of the clues are supposed to work..

34a A posh car taking carriers outside department store

_ A _ R _ D _

So for this I had "Harrods". So "department store". The "posh car" is rolls royce giving the RR. But I'm lost as to how the remaining letters on the poster (HAODS) are "carriers". It almost seems like a typo for HANDS, which would make sense, but obviously doesn't give Harrods, or anything else that makes sense

Help? An I missing something or is this a mistake by the setter?


I am, however, watching Death on the Nile on bbc 2


It was very satisfying


I was in town to set up a new banking account but wanted to check the deals on my existing ones first. I would have used my phone for this but I have recently got a new phone and would need to join a public WiFi to reinstall my previous apps (if it was possible to do this over my unlimited 5G connection, the way to do this wasn't apparent). I attempted to join the library's public WiFi but needed to supply my membership number which I had not brought with me. No problem I thought as I happened to have my passport and I could surely show this to the customer service desk to prove who I was. The person there was helpful, but said I would need to also show proof of address in order to release my membership number. They suggested I access one of my banking apps on my phone which would show my home address on a statement. But getting my banking apps working was the very reason I needed to join the WiFi in the first place! I asked why proving my address was relevant to getting my membership number when I had already proven who I was, and they admitted they didn't know. We both mused at how things like this highlighted the futility of life. I returned home having not accomplished any of the things I set out to do.

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