VPS is self-hosted?
I stand corrected. Looks like they cleared up the exemption for businesses that bake bread for sale on premises.
Wait, fresh baked bread is what made them exempt from California minimum wage laws.
ERrrr Jerrrrrbssss!
Suicide, when your need to kill exceeds your will to live.
I wish there were some (fraud) penalty for blatant misrepresentation in order to gain election.
I'm not sure your last sentence is entirely accurate. He's white-ish (orange would be more accurate), rich-ish (highly overleveraged), and connected-ish (those that are not in prison are jumping ship).
Willing to concede the white/orange portion, but for a man who allegedly is worth billions he's having trouble scraping together enough money for bond. Those connections wouldn't even step up to post it for him or loan him the money to post.
Check out Woot! Right now they've got Win10/111 Pro for $20.99 or Home for $18.99. Not sure what that converts to for Euros, but I'm confident it comes out less than 150 of them.
Ramadan defeated Godzilla, with the powers of starvation.
Easy, in the movie Twins I'd swap Arnold for Danny.
I firmly believe that this information (but for porn) would increase adoption of the software being advertised.
Right, it's just the side-bar makes the distinction between "online services" and "self-hosted" so I wasn't sure.
A place to share alternatives to popular_ online services_ that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don’t control.