Data is ~~Beautiful~~ Blandly Presented but Terrifying
I prefer whatsapp to telegram and discord, and especially WeChat.
I definitely try to force people onto signal but apart from that whatsapp is decent. Whatsapp collects your metadata, and likely sells it, but your messages are encrypted using the signal protocol, which makes it better than discord, telegram, or WeChat, in my view.
And especially better than the alternative my american friends like to use, which seem to be snapchat and instagram messages.
Now the same is happening but Russia has overtaken the US as the number 1 kneecap buster.
Great world to live in as a leftist innit.
Researchers identify gene linked to origins of spoken language.
More like: Researchers identify gene change in humans, that is leads to vocalisation differences when changed in Mice. Researchers speculate gene change is linked to origins of spoken language.
We really need more nuance in scientific reporting. These headlines are so filled with hyperbole they become close to outright lies.
Is this automatic?
Yeah. RFI is funded by the french government after all.
Good to see some of the Egyptian Military dictatorship’s tourist money will be used for good, instead of oppressing it’s own citizens.
I know someone who went to uni with me who has been in Egyptian prison for 3 years now because of his political views.
Avoidance works pretty well for a lot of things. There’s a reason humans have evolved these behaviours.
Makes the caption “oh just die already” feel quite cruel
Sorry to hear that. FYI this is unintuitive but “strong immune system” would mean you would have a worse reaction to the infection.
People often die just as much because their immune system overreacts to infections, than the infection directly killing them.
All that stuff, fever, coughing, phelm, is a consequence of your immune system fighting the infection. Not inherent to the infection itself.
(This is one of my pet peeves, sorry, a strong immune system is just as bad as a weak one, from your life experience it sounds like yours is perfectly balanced).
Albo isn’t ready to help?