
joined 2 years ago
[–] Glide 15 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

The Canadian school system has begun replacing the term "special needs" with "exceptional." A student is "exceptional" and has "exceptionalities."

Seeing "American exceptionalism" has a completely different meaning to me now.

[–] Glide 6 points 1 day ago

If someone already owns Tunic and is considering this, I would say to just directly donate the money.

Or just like... Donate through the bundle and consider trying out some minor projects created by people who are trying to make something cool? Why turn down access to these games out of some form of perceived superiority? This notion that since you've never heard of these other titles they can't possible offer anything of value to you is kind of a spit in the face of struggling artists of all types.

[–] Glide 6 points 1 day ago

Yeah, this might be the most egregious case of burying the lead, what the hell.

[–] Glide 5 points 2 days ago

Please reread. I had to make the game look mediocre (low, not lowest) to have an enjoyable experience on a $750 hand-held PC.

I was getting 60-80 fps on high settings in the beta on my 3070ti, when frame generation was broken. I have not tested on my home PC yet.

[–] Glide -3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

The experiences people are reporting with this game are so strange to me.

I loaded the game today during a 1hr break at work on my Legion Go. It took ~10 minutes to do the shader compilation, I opted to turn frame generation on, and the game defaulted the settings to high, which felt awful. After turning the settings to low, turning the upscaling quality from "Max Performance" to just "Performance," adjusting the sharpness up from 0.5 to 0.6, and then disabling other features I don't care about (cloud textures? I barely look up) or outright hate (why games continue to push aggressive motion blurring is beyond me - it looks horrible), I started playing.

I experienced a stutter whenever I step into a new space, or load a new cutscene, but it smoothed out in a fraction of a second. While the graphics don't look the best, the game plays smooth. I did the opening sequence with no stutters, got to the not-tetsucabra fight, and maintained 45+ fps throughout the entire fight, with no stutters or issues. At points, the monster ran into a cave, which aided my hand-held PC and kept the game running at a smooth 60fps for those sections. This is directly in-line with my experiences running the benchmark on Legion Go, which averaged ~45 fps on nearly identical settings.

I haven't yet run the benchmark or played the released game on my home PC, sporting a Ryzen 7 5800 and a 3070 ti, but the demo, which was less optimized and frame generation did not work during, played "fine." I was unimpressed with the performance relative to the graphical fidelity in that play (though I am of the opinion that the more gritty, realistic aesthetic is ugly relative to the vibrant worlds of Generations, or Rise and unapologetically think they look better than even World).I can't say I had problems or felt that performance or visual quality would impede my enjoyment of the game.

This article notes specific stuttering and runs the frame health tests to demonstrate it. I suspect they're onto something that I am not experiencing for some reason or another. That said, I ultimately think the 4k, 144+ fps gamers running expensive GPUs are offended that they can't play this one on the highest settings, and are review bombing the hell out of this title. I'm not sure what the deal with all the "ThAt'S nOt HoW fRaMe GeNeRaTiOn WoRkS!" screaming relevant to low end systems is about, as I am experiencing notable improvements through it.

I encourage people to test on their own hardware, rather than taking reviews at face value, as I've begun to believe that whatever issue is occurring is deeper than "Capcom didn't optimize!" Use the benchmark, and take advantage of Steam's refund policy.

[–] Glide 28 points 5 days ago

When you can't trust your partner, you don't sit around hoping they get better. You find a new partner.

[–] Glide 26 points 1 week ago

Ah yes, the classic "so busy being 'great' that they forgot to be 'good."

[–] Glide 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Many Steam games are actually DRM free. You can just copy the game folder onto a flash drive, sometimes modify a single file, and then run it from the flash drive in any PC.

You should still buy from GOG first imo, but I wouldn't entirely count out Steam.

[–] Glide 8 points 1 week ago

I literally had to look this up just now. Such a high profile game did such a huge thing and somehow I am just now hearing about it? Insane, tbh.

I chose to pirate Minecraft back when Notch was charging $20 CAD for a game in which the health bar didn't work, and I've been nothing but validated by every decision around the game since.

[–] Glide 50 points 1 week ago (2 children)

When people hit 10mil, they should prestiege. Give them a fancy title or add-on to their name, take all their wealth and tell them to do it again to hit the next prestiege. Easy fix, gives the 1% the sense of pride and accomplishment they deserve.

[–] Glide 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Weird. Tbh, no. We played a full cycle on difficulty 8 last night, and, while the new bugs presented reasonable challenge, raw numbers wasn't it at all. Tbh, kill count was lower than usual.

[–] Glide 22 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I promise you, they would take America with them. Willingly, out of spite, if nothing else.

submitted 1 month ago by Glide to c/[email protected]

Apparently "nationalism is bad" is an uncivil take. Unless there's another reason someone would ban this comment... 🤔


So the situation is this: I am a junior high ELA teacher and I want to bring some videogames into the classroom. What I have to work with are the students Chromebooks. At first glance, I figured I'd throw some short, playable without install games on some flash drives and we could play through whatever game it is, and then talk about it like any other short story. Bring in the relevant terms, connect it to the course outcomes, easy. Then I began to learn the limitations of Chromebooks and how challenging it can be to run Windows .exe's on them, or find games that run natively on a Chromebook without installing.

Getting the rights to install anything on these devices is functionally out of the question. The request would have to go through the school board. Even if they agree that it's a good idea, the practicality of giving me the rights to install things without opening it up so the students can install things and without consuming an inordinate amount of class time in just setting up is unlikely. Ideally, I need games that can run on a Chromebook without running an install, or games that run in browser.

I'm googling around and considering emulator options. If anyone has experience in playing games in these circumstances, I'd love some options and insights. Additionally if people have recommendations for games that would be particularly good (narrative focused), I'd love to hear them. It's 2023; these kids don't need to learn what conflict is through short stories written by white men in the 1920s. With all the push towards student-focused learning and differentiated education, I want to start giving them choice and breadth in how they take in these concepts.

Thanks in advance for anyone who gives me their time and expertise on this.

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