If I told her, "bish, make me a sammich!", I would get a no-sex sammich. It would be all that I get to eat for days, and it would differ from the sandwich I might make for myself by the number of people involved.
I think Apple has produced some of my favorite series, but there have been stinkers. Foundation was a snoozefest and See wasted some good world-building on a meh storyline and cringe characters. I didn't last two episodes of Shrinking.
Hey, now! Moscow Mitch hates being called Moscow Mitch, so we probably shouldn't call him Moscow Mitch because the nickname Moscow Mitch might become popular again and that would upset Moscow Mitch on the day that Moscow Mitch announced that he's stepping down from Moscow Mitch's leadership role.
A wakeyuppyman is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
Dicing a pepper still gives me deadly jalapeno fingers for about 2 days, so I guess I'm still getting the spicy ones.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
It sounds like a low-rent Hulk. Grodge SMASH!
I watched the whole 34 minutes. Doesn't this whole argument get lost in relativism? At what point am I giving enough? When I give up my health insurance? When I move into group home?