I'm going to choose not to believe this and maintain that Sweden was metal before there was metal.
Estos pretzels me están haciendo sediento.
Who is driving!? OH MY GOD! Gorn is driving! How can that be!?
>enjoy poetry
You realise that, although Data's poetry is indeed astoundingly bad, worse things happen at sea, and in fact, at school. With an effort for which Hercules himself would have patted you on the back, you grit your teeth and enjoy the stuff.
I hate to go all "ackchyually" on you, but vinegar is a 5-8% solution of acetic acid. Anyone not saying "a 5-8% solution of acetic acid" is committing a microagression. Pure acetic acid is referred to as "glacial" acetic acid, which is clearly cultural appropriation by northern Europeans.
I'm not sure anyone on the dem side would primary Harris, however. If she is primaried, Gavin Newsome would probably be sworn in about this time next year.
On edit: jmho
Twenty years ago, Buffalo, NY. The Fat of the Land by Prodigy was still huge. A dancer in a strip club thought "Smack my Bitch Up" was "Snap my Picture". True story.
Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch.
A lot of TNG episodes would have been shorter if she had Troi's job.
Picard: "These fishy-looking ambassadors arrived in hibernation."
Lwaxana: "They're not ambassadors, they're terrorists. They have a bomb."
Picard: "Thanks, L"
Security arrests fishy dudes
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