Why would Tucker Carlson appear in a photoshopped picture? Does he have something to hide? Like sex with Satan? I'm just asking questions.
"Feed a cold, starve a fever." Rest, hydrate, and eat if you can.
It's super effective!
LOL! For me, it's any Guinness-branded merch and bourbon glasses. I'm not single anymore, and we had to subtly suggest a gift card for fancy coffee beans. Still got a sweet Guinness hat, though.
The really amazing part of this story is how he fit behind the steering wheel with those massive balls.
At least you get remnants. Try getting stuck behind the guy holding up the whole buffet, trying to make waffles for three hyperactive kids, while the rest of the guests drink coffee and shoot daggers of hate out of their eyes at him.
Does rawstory.com do anything other than report on what they saw while watching msnbc?
I'll be in my bunk.
A clothed female? Clearly this did not end on Ferenginar.
I realize that it's probably a greater percentage of total wages, but by US standards, that's still dirt cheap.