That's… two posts
Three, actually. While I agree with you, it is still arguably the number one company that annoys people on that list ʘ‿ʘ
That's… two posts
Three, actually. While I agree with you, it is still arguably the number one company that annoys people on that list ʘ‿ʘ
Eric Banner
That's either an awesome typo, or you're an Aussie/Brit.
Some of it may be, but the fact that the LTS versions (20.04 & 22.04) are downloaded overwhelmingly more than the others seem to indicate it's more intentional.
Nothing much. What's up with you?
Damned if you do, danmed if you don't, double damned if you sit on the fence.
The Greens say the government should have voted for a ceasefire.
Dutton said Australia should have instead backed Israel and the United States by rejecting the motion entirely.
I just want you to know, seeing these cranky little beauties just made my miserable day a little brighter. Thank you.
It's also a programming problem (the envelope contents are 2^0, 2^1, 2^2, etc, which is how computers understand numbers). But I would still classify it as a riddle.
In fact, my whole programming career is just solving riddles. Like the one titled, "which of the idiots wrote this piece of code".
It says nothing about having to shuffle the envelopes after he filled them..
You may get a better answer if you follow the suggestion in the comment at the bottom of your source:
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The syntax is specific to Perchance, a website that 99% of the general public have never heard of.
(oversimplified) they are "interconnected" just like emails are interconnected. I can log into Gmail and send an email to someone else at Hotmail. But I can't actually use Gmail credentials to log into Hotmail.
In the 'verse, "Federation" means every instance (I'm on holds a copy of every other instance (I can see your post without ever visiting This reply I'm posting is held in my instance, and a copy is sent to yours (and the whole Federation will also hold a copy and be able to see my comment).
If shuts down tomorrow, this conversation we're having will remain to exist in the thousands of other instances that are federated with today.
I don't know where you are, but painter's tape (or masking tape) comes in all sorts of colours. Including white.
That is good life advice.
I hammered into my elderly parents that if they ever get a call/text from their "bank", "tax department", "insurance", or literally anything - ask for a case number and hang up. Then call the number listed on the official website.
Now they're telling everyone they know about it. Good on them.