How long before Pol Pot 2.0?
I know I've wanted younger people in government, but I was hoping for people in their 30's or 40's. These kids can't even rent a car legally. I've got a feeling that they're just puppets.
Couldn't have been, because that pompous dick Gaston eats the entire daily supply every morning to get jacked.
Was that to try and prevent choking?
What do you mean "had"? His back probably hurts from carrying all of our hopes.
Not only does the government save money on the salary and Healthcare for the fired individuals, but probably some of the 60 odd people who lost their lives may have been on assistance programs, so the government saves even MORE money. The people who had private Healthcare should've just flown private as well. Acceptable losses.
All of that with the biggest of /s
Boy, Doug didn't grow up to be very funny after all.
I do so love the open-ended "other purposes" that I'm seeing in so many of these documents. Surely they won't be used for nefarious means.
I was under the impression it was 25. We were both kinda wrong, though. Minimum age is 18, but that only exists in New York and Michigan. Everywhere else is 21. Anyone under 25 is expected to pay an additional cost per day that they have the vehicle. TIL