Your “right” to own a gun barely exists. You know that, don’t you? Do some reading into current Supreme Court precedent on the 2A. The most laughable thing about the “Muh Gun Rights” perspective is how little even conservative jurists seem to care about the “rights” you all claim to have. At best you have the right to own a firearm for self-defense. The law says little about how many and of what type. Instead of making a blanket assertion that gun control laws impinge upon your “rights,” why don’t you tell us what those are? Why don’t you explain to us in detail why your “right” to own a weapon supersedes the “right” of other people to collectively determine that firearms are too superfluous and dangerous in our country to remain as accessible as they currently are? That’s the story—not an infringement of your “rights.” This whole discussion is so tainted because people like you refuse to consider any ideas other than your own, and any future for our country other than the gun-violence-ridden current regime. It is backward and sad to see. I wish you well.
Looking at that one artist who “remixed” the “I’m Blue” song and made something completely unlistenable and forgettable out of it.
Yeah that’s probably for the best. Things ain’t going so well up here anyway.
More lonely. Night sweats
Explain then pls.
Thank god
If real that cat likely had the worst time of its life or died
Source: I live and work here, I voted for the law initially and I have seen it fail. IMO this trumps your “a l portugal” source, you ignorant fucking dunce.
Come live and work in our communities and you will see as virtually everyone here does that the measure has failed because there is ZERO INCENTIVE for anyone selling or using these drugs to do anything but continue to sell and use. As I said in a previous comment, repercussions include mandatory treatment. You people are detached and moronic.
Laughing at a ridiculous comment isn’t “bad faith” no matter how much it might hurt your feelings to read it. Commenting “lmao” is essentially the same as saying “buh buh you’re infringing on my 2A rights by suggesting any measure of gun control legislation.”
They’re both useless comments that don’t move the needle. You just like one more than the other.