
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Because he’s not in the business of trying to make his coaches Head Coaches elsewhere. He’s trying to win football games. You can argue that part of that is trying to help his coaches improve. But he has coaches in certain roles and only wants them filling that role. Plus the guys that left to be HCs elsewhere all try to be him instead of themselves. Instead of taking bits and pieces of what they learn from him and including it into how they run their teams, they’re trying to do exactly what he does. And it doesn’t work because they aren’t him. They haven’t garnered the respect because they didn’t have his accomplishments. It works for him because he achieved so much in his career. They try to be carbon copies of him without the accomplishments. I’m hoping Mayo sees that and tries to do things his own way while incorporating some of the things he learned from BB instead of just doing things the way BB does. I think he’s smart enough to know that but we’ll see.