If I never read the books, would I enjoy this show?
Stunning work!
I second preserves. They’re the best!
For iPhone, you can testflight Mlem or Memmy and, although I prefer Memmy, they're both pretty great. I'd definitely give them a try.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this! I’m ecstatic! Should be good fun. Loved hearing everyone’s voices again!
Just loaded the testflight of Memmy (thanks to your post) and man, loving it so much so far. It perfectly compliments the site, at least for basic browsing (I haven't tried posting anything other than comments).
Interesting! Thank you!
Is there a way I can follow that without having to create a new account? Still trying to figure everything out
PS5 for me! I’m basic :)
I'm in the middle of The Tommyknockers by Stephen King. I normally eat his books up quickly but this one has taken quite some time for me. Definitely my least favorite book of his so far, although I do enjoy parts of it.
Would love something like /HorrorLit!
As someone who adores parakeets (and has a few), just give them all to me. :)