
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

My cat says


(eats it then spits it out, then try to eat it again, repeat until dead)

Sorry spiders, I'm team Cat.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

CCP Guide to world politics:

A white person who oppose the CCP is a CIA agent. An ethnic Japanese person opposing the CCP is a 小日本鬼子 ("Tiny Japanese" its a deogratory term). An ethnic Chinese person opposing CCP is a 汉奸 (Han-Traitor). A black person opposing the CCP is a [N word slur].

Any protest against the CCP is because of "foreign forces".

Curious, are the US Born ethnic Chinese people also 汉奸? They never even seen China lol, I'm sure those nationalists are already screeching 卖国贼 (A bandit who sells out their own country).

Funny thing is, my parents watch so much anti-Japanese propaganda, and parotting the talking points, then goes buys a Toyota, and then another Toyota a few years later (they needed two cars).

When I asked them why they bought the cars made by what they deem to be "小日本", they didn't have an answer. 🤣

Bigotry hmm...

户口 (Hukou, Household Registration) system feel like bigotry. But of course, if you criticize Hukou System, you're a Sinophobe or 汉奸.

Yea whatever dude. Fuck Hukou System. Fuck One Child Forced Abortion Policy. Fuck the CCP

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (10 children)

Tiananmen got deleted.

Never knew until I immigrated to the US. And even then, its merely a brief mention on it and calls it "communism" (its not lol) and then the teachers proclaim its why "communism" is bad, USA constitution rule of law blah blah.

Look how good the constitution is, its being ripped apart right now.

Sure, the western world knows it happened, but its only a few shitposters on the internet cares about it. If you go on the street and ask the average westerner, they'd have no clue on what you're talking about.

A few posts on reddit shitposting on June 4 is not exactly being "Vindicated".

The CCP won, they erased history.

The USA is now following the same path.

Autocrats of the world have won.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Good enough to protect against your bank verification codes from being intercepted, as long as the bank also uses RCS's Encryption to send the message.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

They probably have a separare copy encrypted by keys under their control, but if verification codes text messages also use RCS Encryption, at least its harder for people to hack bank accounts.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 day ago (3 children)

The last time a major terrorist attack happened, the government got expansion of powers.

This is preparing for the next 9/11, reichstag-fire style.

And the dems will approve the Enabling Act.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Bruh, they think I'm useless because I have depression, and they are already threatening to leave zero inheritance if I don't "snap out of it". Gee thanks mom, wonder where the depression came from.

Also, idk where you got that metric thing from, their only rubric is "useful" or "human trash". In China where I was from, they literally do not have a law like the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), they treat people that have health conditions horribly. I'd rather use the imperial system if at least it means I'm not treated like shit (even though recent politics is starting to get shitty).

They just say "You won't need these (referring to inheretance), you can just get disability income.

Like... did they not pay attention to the news? The US government is declaring war on people with mental health issues.

They are literally just going with the government narrative whereever they are. To them, it's "work hard or else your a burden on society" and "medicine is for the weak" or some bs

No wonder why PRC is like that. Everyone in government thinks like my parents.

Its the same with American conservatism

Conservatives ruin everything and have zero sympathy. (CCP is conservative if we're being honest, there is zero "socialism" lol)

(sorry for the rant, feeling very suicidal rn)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Fear of ending up in Guantanamo and getting tortured. (I'm American)

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago (3 children)

You're a good parent.

Unlike my parents who are just shitty and would feel relieved if I kms right now.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Don't want NATO to be on your border? Simple: Just give independence to bordering Oblasts

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Put the data inside a mini-blackhole and activate Future Gadget #8 PhoneWave (name subject to change)


Firewalls are a great way to tell if new apps are secrely installed

Btw what is the key verifier thing?


I know theres AES and PGP, but all electronics stuff still has backdoors. You can't backdoor a piece of paper and a writing utensil.


Its basically like a cloud storage, and your local storage (your brain) gets wiped every loop. You can edit this file any time you want using your brain (you can be tied up and it still works). 1024 Bytes is all you get. Yes you read that right: BYTES, not KB, MB, or GB: 1024 BYTES

Lets just say, for this example: The loop is 7 days form a Monday 6 AM to the next Monday 5:59 AM.

How do you best use these 1024 Bytes to your advantage?

How would your strategy be different if every human on Earth also gets the same 1024 Bytes "memory buffer"?


I don't understand how they are supposed to "sell your data" if you just never use a Mozilla account and uncheck all the telemetry. Its not like they can secretly steal your data, since its Open Source.

It seems to me like just more FUD that Google is spreading to undermine our trust in free software.


Like I'm paranoid everytime I use my phone in public and I want to be prepared.


You, as the chosen one, will have to save the world from "the bad guys". Would you succeed or fail? Or join the dark side? Would you try so hard that you become corrupted by evil?

My answer: I'd fail and the universe is fucked because I'm just a pile of sadness. 😓


For me... yea that's gonna be a challenge. I'm glad a text-based social platform exist, I hate talking. Maybe I'd just use morse code...?


It happend on 20 March 1995, during rush hour. It killed 13 people, severely injuring 50 (some of whom later died) and causing temporary vision problems for nearly 1,000 others. Its leader, whose name I'm not gonna mention (you can read it if you want), was executed on July 6, 2018 by hanging.

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