There are people around the world who don’t believe in it. It’s not specific to Americans. You are basing this off one person on both the ends.
It will be annoying when you search for “Wings” and a restaurant shows up which is 30 miles away because it’s being promoted and is probably just a bar which sells wings and not a wings only place like Wingstop. This is how the App Store search works and that’s why I refuse to go to the app to search anything. I don’t know how you can say these types of search results are good for anyone. The top app/ search result is completely irrelevant and takes up space. It’s only beneficial for Apple.
Racism exists all over the world though. I wouldn’t say USA is a bad place to visit based on your examples, even though they are valid. If you are just traveling visiting tourist places you should be fine. I’m a brown person in the US, what are the chances of me being targeted in a different country with mainly white population? Fairly high.
This kid is new. News came out a couple of weeks ago.