Transferred over now.
Approved. Some are more active than others so no worries.
Approved. SuperBio's the main admin for this one so make sure to check in with them as well.
Approved. Same here
Np. Some of em do have posts searching for active mods though pinning is a thing now so I'm assuming it's better to do that assuming the original isn't buried in some way.
Hi. Been crazy busy to the point of not being able to mod as much as I used to. I posted looking for mods a good while back but not many really responded; if anyone wants to take em up then lemme know and I can see about transferring though I'm still fuzzy on the process.
I got a giant ass list so I don't even remember off hand haha. Eyeballing either Armored Core or Baldurs Gate but space is a bit too limited to snag either currently so that would have to be a "some other time" deal.
I think Admin overrides moderator so it doesn't really let me add you to the mod list.
That's really good to know.
Just from what I currently got? For games, between a good few full romsets + curated larger sets [so DS, Xbox, etc], a good 600+ downloaded and GBEmued Steam games, a GOG set among others, I am just about set there. For things like Movies and Shows its a little trickier, but I"m pretty picky with those anyway.