This is probably worse than looking into the Eye of Sauron but I couldn't help doing it. I wonder how many days I can take...
He's behind Trump by 39.1%. - RealClearPolitics - Election 2024 - 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination
From the comments...
This was a monumentally dangerous act, to the point of being near suicidal. As a former sailor I can state with confidence that it is nothing less than a miracle that any of them survived. Forget their managing not to lose their balance or grip on the rudder. Even a moderately heavy sea would have easily swept all of them off to near certain death.
I took the "for fun" stuff directly from trauma chief's tweet...
Being trauma chief has illuminated more than ever how the current healthcare system fails those who need it most. I can’t get polytrauma patients to rehab for insurance reasons... but the rich & famous can get scans for fun bc they’ve got cash. We need universal healthcare.
And Kardashian said this - emphasis mine...
It has really saved some of my friends lives
Everything she does is shameless self promotion even if it doesn't seem so superficially. She lives in a world of absolutely extreme wealth and she couldn't care less about the average person much less the poor. If she ever mentions the words "universal healthcare" - it's not because she grew a heart or a soul. It's because she's got some kind of scam going where she hopes to make millions. And - of course - she'll never go to jail. She might pay a fine though.
That's what happened to her crypto scam...
Why Kim Kardashian was charged by the SEC for crypto advertisement
Kardashian paid over $1.2 million to the SEC after she promoted a cryptocurrency token called EthereumMax.
A few years from now there's this dialog at the salad bar of a family restaurant...
A Jarhead with a neck wider than his head: "I saw you get the veteran discount. Where did you serve, buddy?"
Scared - "I served."
"Where." It's a demand.
Shaky - "You know... In the war."
"What war."
"You know the one."
"No, I don't know 'the one'. Is this a case of stolen valor? What war."
"The N-Word War..."
She's on one day a week - Mondays. Libs would need to go through withdrawal if she didn't appear at all.