Jaywalking isn't inherently unsafe. You can still get run over in a crosswalk and crossing earlier in the block when traffic is light can be safer. That isn't to say I recommend it though.
Uh, I missed this one. Someone got the backstory?
Minor nit pick from my experience. If the word is written out "could have" I enunciate the entire word. I only pronounce the contraction "could've" as "could of". And vice versa when dictating.
Been sleeping the majority of the last 36 hours in between emptying my stomach, so not too hot. I really should not go into work today but I probably will anyway.
I would think many servers that accept donations don't rely on them. But taking donations while it is optional can stave off the time when donations would be necessary.
Oh, you weren't given an invite to the skibidi toilet conference? Eesh, sorry man, the rest of us all got one.
Removing news from your regular feeds or taking a break from them for a week is chill, everyone should do that here and there. But don't bury your head in the sand, you should keep an eye on it even if that is only browsing a dedicated news feed every week or two. Ignorance and complacency is how we got Trump 2024 with people actively voting against themselves.
Step 1: don't browse the All feed. I dunno how Reddit was okay for you, visiting r/all was always full of Trump this Trump that every 5 minutes.
Find a parking lot and "drift" my FWD car babyyy
I haven't used Temu to compare, but AliExpress's website bombards you with about 3 coupon or app popups upon loading it as well. That and the constant combo deals they're pushing with a browsing UI straight from my nightmares.
Stop using whatever website that is my man, lmao.
.. oh. It begins then. Thank you for the multiple links!