The one that is going to use all the data for AI training? They are not that stupid. ;-)
That depends on tree species and damage.
Willow tree would probably survive that without a problem, most other trees won't. Some could be saved with appropriate protective measures, like trimming the roots.
- he exited, but his work is still here
That is static RAM (SRAM). Most RAM in computesr is DRAM, which works a bit differently and is much cheaper and denser, but more difficult to operate.
In enhances security by allowing high-entropy passwords to be easy to remember and write, so you have no incentive to use short/simple low-entropy (insecure) passwords.
Maybe it is because it makes other apartments look bad I comparison?
Making most of the internet dependent on ad revenue was a bad idea in the first place.
The point of the attestation is to show that given browser won't do some things. If the browser is open source on open source operating system the user can modify it in any way he wants, so not such attestation can be given to such browser.
Even if we are ok with attested browser being official builds never modified by users, then user could still fake it if they have full control of their operating system. So the operating system must also be attested, so it cannot be freely modified. And what is a point of open source then? You can see, but you cannot touch?
But the problem they try to solve is: user's device is not under full control of the service provider. The only solution to that problem is to take away the control from the device owner. You cannot have both.
Will you change your bank when it refuses to work with Firefox? What if most other banks do the same?
This is how things are in Android now – online banking, online games and even subscription media services are mostly unavailable to those who would like to use non-official OS.
website authors will want to limit their own audience for the benefit of some company?
Many websites already refuse to work with anything not-chrome-based – so website authors often don't care.
Banks see that as 'security', so they are ok with 'losing' a small percentage of customers who want 'insecure' devices. In fact they would hardly lose anything, as their customers usually depend more on the bank, than the bank on any particular customer.
For media providers, that is another 'anti-piracy' measure (DRM) – they will also happily sacrifice Linux users, as insignificant fraction of users, probably less then 'actual pirates' on Windows or Mac. Netflix already won't stream in high quality to Firefox on Linux.
For online game providers this will be easy anti-cheat measure – they will also not care about that insignificant fraction of user.
Each of those service providers would loose maybe 5% of their user base (probably less… as most users would eventually accommodate), but the affected users would use major number of services they care about.
Kopia or Restic. Both do incremental, deduplicated backups and support many storage services.
Kopia provides UI for end user and has integrated scheduling. Restic is a powerfull cli tool thatlyou build your backup system on, but usually one does not need more than a cron job for that. I use a set of custom systems jobs and generators for my restic backups.
Keep in mind, than backups on local, constantly connected storage is hardly a backup. When the machine fails hard, backups are lost ,together with the original backup. So timeshift alone is not really a solution. Also: test your backups.
Every major distro uses systemd, because before that it was nearly impossible to properly implement things that distros have to provide.
Most startup scripts were incredible set of hacks to make services behave. Those were very inefficient (they could not be efficient being shell scripts calling other commands for various simple repetitive tasks) and would often break when circumstances were different from ideal.
Systemd just makes building Linux distribution much easier, and the resulting system is more reliable, more consistent and more flexible. Why would distro developers chose anything else?