Escalate to management as quickly as possible so you're not just annoying some poor front desk worker that had nothing to do with it.
E3 has been garbage on all levels for like 10 years, it's for the best.
By the time we invent any sort of lightspeed travel, we'll have long conquered quantum entanglement. If you have a signal transferred over a properly quantum entangled technology, the signal would transfer instantaneously.
It's already beatable right now, there are services in third world countries where people get paid fractions of a penny to solve captchas for machines.
Fools are easily parted with their money, and I typically view a lot of misinformation as ways to seek out those exact fools. Not all of it, but a lot.
Take a bunch of crazy people that polite society doesn't agree with, make them feel seen, and they throw money at you.
Or I can pay nothing and get a plain video file that I can do anything I want with, and play on any device without needing a player. And as long as I keep that file backed up somewhere, I'll always have a copy of it.
The TV business is struggling to learn the lesson the music industry learned a long time ago.
At the time I decided on it, I used Sakura as a terminal emulator, plus it's on the home row. I use a different term emulator now, but the muscle memory remains.
Super + S for a terminal, Super + F for Firefox.
Interesting to find a RyanF9 video here and not in a motorcycle community. But yeah, probably most people here don't have much interest in Gore-Tex unless they ride or do other outdoorsy things.
I would say of the services to give money to, Discord is on the lesser evil side.
Sure, they lock a bunch of stuff behind Nitro, but they're at least only giving people ads for their own stuff and not scams or dong pills. Because if nobody paid for anything, that money would have to come from somewhere.
The only thing more eco-friendly than buying an eco-friendly printer, is to not buy a new printer at all.
Both of my local libraries offer printing at $0.25 a page. For photos, I just go to the photo lab at the store and print them there.
Both are cheaper than owning a printer unless you're doing a ton of it, and in the former case, I get to support a library just a little bit.
There are heretical forks that add it in though