Is 4 out of 55 Chinese ethnic groups a good percentage?
The Simpsons did an episode where a monorail salesman tries to sell Springfield on installing a monorail, and there’s a song somewhat evoking the 76 Trombones scene from the musical The Music Man by Meredith Wilson. Mine and other comments are lyrics from that song.
I hear those things are awfully loud.
I’m torn. While I highly support right to repair, I also support measures that make high-value theft targets like cellphones and catalytic converters worthless or extremely hard to convert to a payout.
I completely read past that and missed it in your essay. You truly covered all the bases.
It’s really good.
Yeah, I quite enjoyed Stormfront. It feels weird with the absolute need to write about the breasts and looks of every woman in the book, and it makes it feel fairly shallow. But there's something that feels like it will become a really good series in there too, so I'm inclined to try a few more.
There are in universe and out of universe reasons for the general tendency of Harry to be the a benevolent sexist in the books. Out of universe, it’s playing on many of the tropes of classic noir stories and that was a really common one. There’s a longer story behind us that I can write out if you care, but basically this first one was written in protest by the author to include as many tropes and clichés to try and prove a point and he failed successfully. In universe, you learn a bit in this one and more over the next few books, but Dresden grew up without a female presence in his life, and really did not learn much beyond what was written in early sci-fi, and fantasy novels, and then, when he was a teenager in a extremely unhealthy relationship.
That said, it is never treated virtuously in any of the books. It gets him in trouble many times, other women in the books call him on it, and he does recognize that it is something he needs to change in himself. And it isn’t a perspective that is shared by the author, in so far as it doesn’t appear when he writes other characters.
I’ve been trying to work on something similar for [email protected] posts. Though I’m going a bit more simple and trying to just generate the text I can use for the post title and body, then pasting them in myself.
I have the same concern Glenn Fleishman had on mastodon. I love the idea of this, but it probably still needs to be enumerated with a more specific license.
Otherwise it’s just like standing in the corner of your office screaming “I Declare Bankruptcy” and thinking it has some concrete effects.
An unfortunately significant number of people.