There seems to be a commercial forced air duct system exposed in the ceiling in the background... I'm not used to that type of ductwork being in houses like that.
This is not a terrible photo... It's intentionally strange architecture.
The Costco Hot Dog is a 1/4lb hot dog sold at the international warehouse club Costco's food courts. It is notable for its price, which has remained steady at $1.50 in a combo deal including a soda at United States locations since its introduction in 1984. That price has become increasingly low relative to inflation and spawned a cult following
From the wiki
"I am sick and tired of being sick and tired" - Fannie Lou Hamer
Any friends of DeSoto here?
Can't find the YouTube link I'm looking for with the "guy with deep voice" but it's close enough to this link... REMINDS ME OF TOILET SEAT DUET...
Honestly, I feel her. I opened one of these in my child's Halloween candy bag and felt misled.
That was surprisingly interesting. I did not know those wiki rules
You've mail!
Expand him!
Umbreon is so hot right now [insert Will Ferrell petting Chihuahua .jpg]
Came here to say this. Gotta be Ollie's