Nice green snacks!
joined 1 year ago
Beautiful, bun wanted their likeness to be immortalised 🐇
I doubt other rabbits out there, would be hardpressed to disagree 😆
They're a cute chunky one, looking for something to nibble on. Thank you for sharing the clip 🐇
Photogenic friend 🦌
The leaping bun has very good timing! The two looked really cute playing 🐇
Great caption! I wonder if these two are siblings.
Hehe, love the way you put it, that feels like what happened in the vid 😄
This was simply adorable! It's heartening to see animals play and express their wonder in nature. ❄️
I've never seen so many raccoons in one place before! They're huge and well fed for sure, thanks to the kind grandfather!
You captured their eye lasers!