My recent favourite is broccoli roasted until crispy, so good. Before then it was crispy kale but as we all know it’s basically the same plant
Ha I really want to see the current Ubisoft reaction to their incredibly shit take from before.
Thankfully literally no one but you cares what you think, and the protests are intended to affect the finances of those in power so they eventually cave and make better decisions for the planet despite the cost. I’d recommend trying some self reflection before you end up with as many people that hate you as you have downvotes on this thread.
Ask them about the suffragettes then
Tbf you clearly need more schooling to learn the effective use of protest throughout history, and how those rights have been fought for, and how they’re being eroded in real time whilst utter morons like you enable it through rhetoric.
Someone please educate this fucker
It really should come with a health warning like that.
Curdled mammary secretions of a tortured mother
Because they’re antisemites ofc
Sounding like a vegan before they’ve realised
It’s like any technology we can dream of would still not solve the problem of the current system. It’s so disheartening seeing apparent solutions gatekept by capital interests
Really well put by him
No no, billionaires are the only ethical source of meat
OH MY GOSH I’m so sorry let me correct myself