I totally agree about the change of locations! Where were the exterior scenes filmed? Was it really Toronto?
joined 2 years ago
That looks amazing. My mom made something similar when I was a kid.
This is definitely one that I absolutely must watch in the theater. I can't wait!
You're off to a good start.
It's a use it or lose it thing, huh?
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Hey all! Nebraskan from the lone blue dot in a sea of red.
No one is going to sit through a 5-6 hour movie. Well. Most people won't. They broke it at the perfect moment. While I wasn't initially thrilled about the long wait between both halves, it does add a sense of realism in that time has passed in the real world too and the younger actors might look a bit older now. They weren't shy about it being only part of the adaptation either.