I'm willing to bet there are a lot of librarians who would enjoy working a night shift. I'd apply for that job.
You know we can have more than one place for reading right? Not everyone needs to read in a quiet place and would like more options.
Pretty sure it's the fault of the scary awful side for being scary and awful.
Just got my certificate for first aid training and this is not true. It has changed a few times but atm mouth to mouth IS recommended. But if you can only do one then stick to compressions.
Honestly not really, people have been talking about this issue for a long long time. The stereotype of "tree hugging activist" was already a thing by the 80s, the lyric "pave paradise and put up a parking lot" came from a song from the 70s, problem is that the people with money and power never cared back then and continue to not care.
Because she's actually a good singer now. She took lessons and worked her ass off to git gud. Check out "Do You?" by her it's my favourite.
I mean let's not pretend than when we were kids we didn't dream of going on a field trip like the ones in the show. I wanted to slide around on the frictionless baseball diamond so bad.
Traumadumping isn't just telling your friends about your problems, it's using them as a sole emotional crutch and putting them in a position emotionally that they aren't equipped to handle, while a therapist is equipped to handle it and in fact that is their job. Therapists shouldn't be so expensive imo they should be included in health care (which should be universal everywhere in a better world just sayin), and going to a therapist doesn't mean you can't share your woes with your friends but it can teach you healthier ways to do so.
In sync you can choose to have either!
Or maybe they thought it was referring to something more specific in American politics that they weren't knowledgeable about and didn't realize it was a more general message?
I mean as someone who is acearo myself and would like to see more relationships that reflect my own sometimes too, I'd love to see more cases of guys and girls just being friends and not getting shoved into a relationship automatically.
You also needed an original to make the fake with Photoshop, with AI you don't need that so there are no receipts, so to speak, to pull to prove that it's fake.