Not even giving them the click. I know who I'm voting for.
joined 2 years ago
Fuck yeah, going to compile me some free Pokémon!
Yes I believe capitalism works. And it will only keep working if we all work together and lie to ourselves that it will!
I will die on this hill. I fucking hate breast cancer awareness. We are all aware of breast cancer. No one is aware of IGA Nephropathy.
You think this is a laughing matter! And it is.
Waltz had an opinion that is not the official party position.
No fucks given.
But it would lower it for the most important 5%!
I choose to keep both feet firmly planted in unreality.
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Cat 1. Sleeps at the end of the bed. Cat 2, 3, 4 will sleep against my butt, not usually at the same time. Cat 5 sleeps on my second second pillow. Cat six sleeps against my chest and screams at me as he crawls back in to place after I roll over.