
joined 2 years ago
[–] LillyPip 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It was oblique.

The robot deciding to save the protagonist vs the girl based on algorithms/statistics, compared with self-driving cars deciding how to react at traffic lights (and save you or not) because they learnt from your decisions in captchas.

[–] LillyPip 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Everything was sticky, too. Sometimes you’d put your quarter in the rim above the existing quarter, then after like an hour and half a pizza later, you’d realise your family was alone in the place and nobody had approached the machine. You’d go back and try to pick up the quarters, but the placeholding one was basically glued to the glass by coke and who knows what, obviously having been there for weeks.

Kind of amazing the coin slot didn’t glue itself shut.

[–] LillyPip 5 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Good thing self-driving cars were trained on your data!

(Flashback to that Will Smith movie…)

[–] LillyPip 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)


I’m not defending anything. You seem too defensive for this conversation, if that’s what you think. (Judging by you downvoting my comments before you even reply, that’s becoming obvious.)

Can you actually define the words you’re using, even to yourself? Or are you lashing out at me based on what you feel they mean?

I’m willing to talk to you, but only if we can agree upon what words like ‘socialism’ mean. If not, we’ll only talk past each other, and I think you’ll agree that will waste both of our time.

[–] LillyPip 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Of course. Many nations have been 2 of the three. But nobody has ever been all 3, because 2 are antithetical to one another.

e: obv the USSR was communist and authoritarian. Who said they weren’t?

[–] LillyPip 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I’m not defending anything like that, but:

  1. Authoritarian != communism. Authoritarianism applies equally to communism and fascism. The latter two describe ideology, where ‘authoritarian’ describes scale. Your sentence is like if I said I I use reds, not apples, in my pies. It sort of makes sense, but not really.

  2. You said: ‘I don't seem to understand why democratic social ownership is considered a worse alternative’ yes, exactly! That’s socialism, which is an economic – not a political – system. You can combine that with democracy or communism or fascism.

I really recommend you learn what all these terms mean, because it’s not only super fascinating, but we can each understand and communicate better when we can build upon common concepts.

[–] LillyPip 6 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Yes. And communist, fascist, and dictator mean 3 very different things. I used to think they were synonymous, too, but they’re not.

Communist and fascist are polar opposites. Authoritarian is the extremes of both sides. A dictator can exist at any point in the spectrum, and isn’t unique to any side.

It really does help if we can agree what words mean.

[–] LillyPip 0 points 3 days ago

I mean, have you met art?

[–] LillyPip 42 points 4 days ago

He got the shit batch of bargain worms from Wish. He can’t even play the Holophoner.

[–] LillyPip 4 points 4 days ago

I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.

[–] LillyPip 2 points 4 days ago

Huh. TIL.

It always looked to me like a very low-poly El Camino –

and I just learnt the El Camino was classed as a ‘coupe utility pickup truck’.

[–] LillyPip 4 points 6 days ago

You’re absolutely right, but as a UxD, until these platforms learn UxD, they’ll never work. They can’t.

It doesn’t matter how great they are, the vast majority of people won’t learn. And they shouldn’t have to. That’s why big commercial apps are better – good designers need to eat, and big companies can pay for their eggs.

It doesn’t matter how good your model is, without great UxD, you’re dead in the water.


Guys, I fucked up. I have what was a beautiful two-tone colander that looked nice and retro, with a shiny red finish. After some use, there was a very tiny amount of rust showing in places around the rim, and my dumbass self decided to soak it in CLR like I do with anything metal that gets signs of rust. It didn’t occur to me that it would remove the gloss finish from the powder-coated enamel.

Now it looks and feels awful, like it has a dull, pink, rubbery coating instead of the beautiful glossy bright red finish of yore.

Is there a product I can use to polish it back to beauty? It wasn’t cheap and has been discontinued, so I’d like to restore it if possible.

I’ve searched online but my Google-fu isn’t worthy, apparently. Thanks in advance!


Animals live in an entirely different reality FYI

This video compares the perception of sound and reality ‘refresh rates’ between animals like dogs, cats, Guinea pigs, ducks, small birds, elephants, insects, etc.


‘Taco Bell isn't even good’

Yeah I know. Sometimes the raccoon inside of me craves garbage. Leave me & my Crunchwrap alone.


cross-posted from:

There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.


There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.

Escape (

You’re lucky – an overhead cubby and 3 drawers. Plenty of places to hide booze.


The basis for my theory:

If we developed warp drive, genetic manipulation, and transporter tech, I’d reckon even before that we’d first figure out how to make dogs live for hundreds of years. Because that’s easier and of course we would.

I’ve seen people post that it must have been like Porthos v9 because of the time difference, but there’s no way that dog didn’t outlive Archer by decades, because if we’re going to do anything good as a species, it will be making sure our dogs outlive us.

So Scotty lost the OG Porthos.

e: better phrasing

Excellent (

It’s just sight gag after sight gag. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it never did. It’s like a live-action Woody Woodpecker cartoon, which was fine when I was 7, but is shallow and boring now.

Why is everyone raving about it? What am I missing?

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