
joined 2 years ago
[–] LillyPip 0 points 7 hours ago

Much more is relative.

For someone like me, it means getting off the Internet and actually showing up.

Yes, thank you for that. That’s much more for many people. If you actually do that, it will be awesome.

Might I ask you for even more, though? You’re already starting to do it, but will you speak out to people IRL like you’re doing with me? Challenge their views like you’re doing here? It really helps people to think critically.

[–] LillyPip 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (2 children)

If that’s what you took from my comment, I’m sorry. Obviously those are things we should do.

My point is we’ve been pushing people to do exactly those things for decades (eta and have been doing them ourselves) and it hasn’t worked. We need to do much more than that now.

[–] LillyPip 53 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

If I’d had to bet whether this was The Onion before clicking this link, someone would be breaking my knees next week.

This timeline is absurd.

[–] LillyPip 9 points 8 hours ago

As a designer, programmer, and music engraver/editor, I've always paid for all media I've consumed because I've strongly believed creators deserve to be paid.

But after the Napster, Ticketmaster, Netflix, and dozens of other egregious examples of corporate sadism, I’m proud to sail the high seas now.

[–] LillyPip 0 points 8 hours ago

I’m just saying we need different, more modern strategies. What we’ve been doing doesn’t work.

We can do better. I don’t know the answer, but we can’t keep doing the same things.

[–] LillyPip 2 points 9 hours ago

So it's time to take a fucking step back and ask why.

Obviously we should ask why. But any answers we come up with in response to whatever strategy we’ve been using will be horribly outdated already because we’re no longer operating under even a veiled democracy.

That was the biggest answer to ‘why’ this last time. Because this is outright, honest to dog fascism. That’s why nothing worked. Because you cannot fight fascism with normal discourse. Because Dems, the media, and everyone still tried to pretend we were working under the status quo when we absolutely were not, and anyone trying to call that out was treated as some kind of alarmist. And the fascists know this, and take advantage of it in their propaganda. Most of us don’t want to believe there’s a true, real, legitimate fascist movement, and fascists use that against us.

It doesn’t actually matter how good Dem candidates are – Dems could run Jesus himself, seen by all as descending from on high and streamed simultaneously on TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch, and it wouldn’t have mattered. They would easily reject Jesus and get all the centrists to oppose him. We’re in an unprecedented age of propaganda owned exclusively by a handful of sociopaths who know they can buy sentiment, views, and votes. They did, and there’s little we can do about it.

It doesn’t matter what democrats say or do at this point. We’re past that.

[–] LillyPip 24 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (1 children)

If the US was actually a meritocracy, I’d be rich. I built my career in comp sci and UXD from nothing. I left school in 9th grade then taught myself programming in multiple languages – BASIC then Perl, Java, C, and on to C++, C#, ObjC, JavaScript, and markup languages, – and UXD including related important fields (psychology, sociology, philosophy), and worked my way from a delivery driver to cook, to assistant mgr in retail and restaurant to manager (to make ends meet whilst learning) to programmer, to assistant lead, to PM assistant, to project manager, to designer, to lead designer at a company where I had more than 10 million users and was submitted for an Apple design award for my design.

Then I got sick with a genetic disease for which there’s no treatment or cure. Now I can no longer work and as a result, I am destitute, my savings are gone, and I have nothing but social security and Medicare, which is horribly broken. I can’t afford housing, and have to choose between medicine and food.

This is in the US, obviously. I have plenty more to contribute – my mind still works fine – but I can’t contribute in this system because I can’t reliably work.

I am fucked. I can’t afford to live anymore and, regardless of what I could contribute in a system that might allow me to, I am stuck doing nothing and slowly dying because this system is designed to fuck me as hard as possible.

This is not a meritocracy. If it was, I would not be in the position of choosing whether to eat or buy medicine.

e2: and we wouldn’t have a complete moron making billions by stealing the work of others (people like me) then just casting them aside like they’re nothing. Yes, I mean that absolute shitbag poser, you all know his name.
Sorry for all the edits, this pisses me off.

e: I also wrote a scifi novel that I can’t market because I’ve been too sick. Because I’m so desperate, I’m going to mention it here – I could use a couple of reviews. Based on current reviews, it’s not bad: Blue Are the Hills by Lilly Piper on Amazon, if you’re into dystopian fiction. I’ve tried to market myself as much as I can, but it’s hard. That’s why my Lemmy icon is my face – not because I’m a boomer, but because it’s my branding.

[–] LillyPip 30 points 2 days ago

… another blows out at 20,000 ft?


‘Taco Bell isn't even good’

Yeah I know. Sometimes the raccoon inside of me craves garbage. Leave me & my Crunchwrap alone.

[–] LillyPip 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Of everything I said, that’s the part you decided to focus on?

e: not that trump had said he’d glass the region to build hotels?

[–] LillyPip 13 points 4 days ago

I just left a conversation with my 88 year old dad less gratified than a similar conversation with him 8 years ago. He’s recently fallen in love with a very conservative woman roughly 15 years his junior, and I’m feeling pretty bad about his leaning.

Many aspects of our conversation disturbed me. I’m feeling far worse about our societal situation than I did after our conversations 15 years ago. I don’t know what’s changed in that demographic, but it’s not good.

[–] LillyPip 1 points 4 days ago

So this is weird: my ancestor in the US in the early 1600s tried to sell Bronks Farm (now the Bronx) to foreign investors and got his left ear cut off, hanged till nearly dead, then banished to New Jersey. That was apparently a punishment at the time.


cross-posted from:

There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.


There are many reasons you might have unclaimed funds (abandoned accounts, uncashed checks, misspelled names, incorrect addresses, misplaced inheritance and trusts, etc), and your state is required to hold your property until you claim it.

They will not seek you out, and most people are completely unaware they may have lost funds or property being held by the state.

Every state has an official (.gov) website where you can check whether you have unclaimed property and submit a claim. Just search ‘[my state] unclaimed property’.

e: make sure you go to the official state website; I just noticed some state search top results aren’t the official (.gov) website.

e2: also, check every state you’ve lived in. Moving state is one of the major reasons this happens, and your unclaimed funds will not move to a new state with you.

e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.

Escape (

You’re lucky – an overhead cubby and 3 drawers. Plenty of places to hide booze.


The basis for my theory:

If we developed warp drive, genetic manipulation, and transporter tech, I’d reckon even before that we’d first figure out how to make dogs live for hundreds of years. Because that’s easier and of course we would.

I’ve seen people post that it must have been like Porthos v9 because of the time difference, but there’s no way that dog didn’t outlive Archer by decades, because if we’re going to do anything good as a species, it will be making sure our dogs outlive us.

So Scotty lost the OG Porthos.

e: better phrasing

Excellent (

It’s just sight gag after sight gag. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it never did. It’s like a live-action Woody Woodpecker cartoon, which was fine when I was 7, but is shallow and boring now.

Why is everyone raving about it? What am I missing?


Reddit has so many bots, formulaic comments, and clear patterns (reposts, call-and-response, joke chains, & copypasta), that it seems useful to farm Lemmy for more unique comments performing well to steal.

I could see value of someone farming these comments because there’s far less of all that and people are actually creative much of the time. I don’t know if this would be more trouble than it’s worth, but got to wondering.

Is anyone doing this? Farming Lemmy for, especially, comments to post on Reddit to make themselves seem more authentic?

Do you know of this is plausible, or have you actually seen it happen?

Just to be very clear, I don’t want to do this. I abandoned all my other accounts during the Great Enshittification. But there are a few bot accounts that post a lot here, across several instances, focussing on reposting from Reddit and elsewhere. Is that what they’re trying to do?


Sorry for the long post.

I was committed to a trans man for 30 years (we got together in 1989). We couldn’t get married for most of that time because it was illegal, but we represented ourselves as married since about 1991, which tbh in some cases meant breaking the law on legal documents to try to get fair representation, so I wouldn’t be excluded from ‘married’ benefits in healthcare, housing, etc. Once he was able to ‘pass’ and we lived in a new state where people wouldn’t out him, he stayed in the closet, and almost nobody knew he was trans since the early 90s. We just wanted to live a normal life. The only people who really knew were our healthcare providers, because that was the only place it was an issue.  

We had a mostly happy marriage and raised a wonderful son – he’s 27 now – until about 15 years ago when my disability started getting really bad. I was born with Ehlers Danlos and an autoimmune disorder, which I was mostly able to compensate for until it started getting really bad in about 2010. I had built a career in software development and UX design, but I developed Dysautonomia and started having seizures, major heart issues, and GI intolerance to the point I couldn’t process food. I worked for a couple of years after that, but it became impossible and I had to give up the career I loved and go on disability. We were pretty well off – not rich, but comfortable – and my inability to work didn’t jeopardise our financial stability that much. Between the benefits of my career and his (he was a regional director in university housing), we had been doing okay.  

It took several years for me to be diagnosed, since what I have is extremely rare. It’s also degenerative, and there’s no treatment or cure. It only gets progressively worse. I’ve never liked sex, but I did it because he liked it. But the sicker I got, the more I just didn’t want it. It’s very hard to force yourself to have sex when you feel like you have the stomach flu 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.  

He started getting annoyed with that, and angrier at the sex situation the sicker I got. At first, he’d leave pamphlets and books around the house with titles like ‘How to enjoy sex when you’re disabled’. It felt very passive-aggressive, and I started feeling resentful. Eventually it turned into him shouting at me in public, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Between my progressive disability, the constant pressure, and feeling increasingly alone and worthless, I became suicidal. I found myself holing up in the toilet, crying for hours, and just wishing it would end. I asked for a divorce. He was clearly deeply unhappy with me, and I loved him too much to do that to him. I still do.  

Partly because we’d only been legally married 4 years before that when it finally became legal (still not in my state; we travelled to a legal state to do it), even though we’d been representing ourselves as married for 30 years, and partly because my divorce lawyer basically snubbed me after he got my husband’s legal records – clearly because he didn’t approve of the relationship (he didn’t even show up for court and stopped returning my calls, but I couldn’t afford the retainer for a new lawyer), I was left with nothing. No alimony, no savings, no retirement because we’d cashed out mine in favour of his (yes, I was stupid, but he controlled the finances and I never thought our relationship would end), I was left with literally nothing but half the debt.  

My ex-husband was married again within a year of our divorce (to his high school sweetheart who he had kept contact with – their friendship never bothered me, because I am not a jealous type) and they make 6 figures. I now live on nothing but disability, am overdrawn every month, and have to choose between medicine and basic necessities. I’m supposed to drink ensure and pedialyte because of my digestive issues, but I can’t afford it.  

I’m homebound and completely alone now, and I have no social network because all of my friends and most of my family have died in the last few years. I’d kept my son away from my ex-husband’s family for his entire life because they are abusive, narcissistic sociopaths and I valued my son too much to expose him to that, but since the divorce, my son moved to be near his father and connected with them. They always hated me, partly because they blamed me for ‘enabling him to become trans’. They literally had said that. After a few months’ exposure to them, he visited me to have a short conversation in which he told me I’d always be his mother, but he didn’t want to be around me anymore. We’d always been very close with a great relationship, and this broke my heart. I don’t think I can recover from that.  

I don’t know what to do. I can no longer afford to live, and Medicare is wholly inadequate for my healthcare needs, but I can’t afford the gap insurance. My teeth all need pulled now since I can’t afford dental care, and all of them hurt (sjogrens syndrome rots my teeth). I can’t afford even Medicare’s copays. Every month, I am staring down homelessness, and the stress only makes my dysautonomia worse.  

I no longer have good days. A few years ago, I wrote a scifi novel, but I don’t feel well enough to promote it. I have no energy for social media, and that’s needed to sell books. I’m pretty good at writing and am working on another novel, but I’m so consumed with stress over finances that I can’t focus. I honestly feel that all of society right now just wants me to die.  

What’s worse, I feel like my inability to just conform and have sex is what led to this. If I had just been able to suck it up and do the deed, I’d not have lost my marriage, my husband, my son, and everything.

e: 15 yrs, not 10 – I’m bad at numbers

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