You get an updoot! And YOU get an updoot!
Michael Ironside in his younger days. I would have loved to see him as a Trek captain in the style of his Starship Troopers character, ie a grizzled, take-no-prisoners leader, but would do anything for his people. Sort of a Lorca kind of captain, but Michael Ironside.
Make me miss my old Siamese derp. He used to sleep in the most ungainly positions ever, all legs dangling and splayed across each other. Here's to you, Hanky Plank.
I think there might be some sarcasm going on there given the tone of the post, and the fact the upshot of it was to propose a vote on whethe the rules should be changed post-reopening to only permit pictures of "John Oliver looking sexy".
Was he singing for you the song of his people?
"Let's boogie"
Although perhaps I'd change it if my bridge crew stood up and started funking on down, rather than taking the ship to warp.
No, Roy, we don't.
Your recommendation does God's work. I was not aware of this, and shall be installing it forthwith.
The last time we tried to get the internet to seriously decide on something we got Boaty McBoatface.
And lo, the Internet looked down upon it's handiwork, and verily, t'was awesome.
All posts in these (business) subs can be advertisements, perfect.
And nobody will ever go there. And, two years down the track, u/spaz will hoik up the pricing or cut them off entirely because they're making money off of a non-profitable Reddit. "We want to work with the business subs but they're not interested in talking to us and have all thrown their toys out of the pram and shut down".
I did piss in the ice. Naturally.
Well done you. Take my updoot (do we call them updoots on here?).
The doughnut of despair.