Really sorry you have to deal with our idiotic president's threats; know that most Americans don't want Canada annexed either.
Teenager ≠ underage, 18 and 19 year olds exist. But thanks for your concern. :)
As a teenager who is relatively tech-savvy and on the fediverse, can confirm. I think it's gotten to the point where even less technically inclined people can join fairly easily, but the more savvy are usually the first to flee from enshittifying platforms so we see a lot more of them here.
For all their flaws, Apple devices are a lot more user-friendly (as long as your desires are more or less aligned with Apple's).
I left back in 2023; didn't do anything besides purging my posts and comments and deleting my account. No sense doing anything spectacular, you're just wasting your own time and causing more overall engagement on the platform. Though I suppose posting about the fediverse wouldn't be the worst idea.
I remember seeing some news about R2R solar cell manufacturing last year; great to see they're getting even closer to a viable product!
Ah crap, who bought the porous wineglasses again?
Just so you know, your name's visible in the "Gemini crashes" image.
You could do with being a little less disagreeable and negative in all your posts and comments.
Definitely don't do any revenge before just asking him nicely, and then maybe not so nicely; if that fails, go for it.
You shouldn't judge a book only by its cover, but the cover can give you a lot of information about the book.