I strongly recommend Sapiens: a short story of humanity by Yuval Harari if you'd like to think about this a bit more, particulary his concept of 'myths'.
I'd guess that you'd find a summary of that chapter online without buying the whole book.
I strongly recommend Sapiens: a short story of humanity by Yuval Harari if you'd like to think about this a bit more, particulary his concept of 'myths'.
I'd guess that you'd find a summary of that chapter online without buying the whole book.
Please, indulge us!
Oh, come off it! Pharma is keeping us sick, really? Listen to yourself!
More of this please. Way closer to "science" than about 2/3 of what people post to this community.
Danke für's Teilen :)
You might believe that the following facts are besides your point, but I still want to get this straight:
Note that there were 4 national elections between 1930 and 1933. The Weimar Republic was about as stable politically as a house of cards on a trampoline.
It's still true that part of the success of Hitler's party was due to former non-voters losing fate in the established parties, especially in regards to economic policy, but it is not as direct of a connection as your comment makes it out to be.
It's not! The only option I could find which would get me the game to Germany was 128€ (including shipping and tax). So around double, assuming that your price is without sales tax.
What did it cost? Online prices seemed super high, even compared to bgg hits like dune uprising or the smaller gloomhaven.
Auf Deutsch heißt der grimmige Herr Samuel Mumm, sollte man dann nicht Mummsche Theorie sagen?
Das ist ein qualitativ sehr hochwertiger Köder, gefällt mir.
Bit too specific there, buddy.
Couldn't have said it better myself.