Just an idea: I think screenshots like this look better with the all the zones set to transparent.
At least in my mind, it makes the colony look more like the inhabitants of the world see it.
Just an idea: I think screenshots like this look better with the all the zones set to transparent.
At least in my mind, it makes the colony look more like the inhabitants of the world see it.
Which is precisely what the other person is asking you to stop doing. I agree with them.
No dude, please don't spread the neo-nazi's myths for them.
Your comment reeks of "they were snobby elites and are therefore partially at fault for their own persecution."
Even if I accepted the first statement as true, your insinuation that jews in Weimar believed themselves to be of a superior class after they have already been the subject of discrimination for centuries is ridiculous. On top of that, your final statement that this is "the main reason" for the rise in antisemitism in the third reich is frankly disgusting.
I would not recommend this, if only because there is a better alternative. The community considers the browser based sudokupad.app by Sven Neumann the state-of-the-art solution. Yes, there is a sudoku community. It is surprisingly large.
Once you have used Sven's program for more than one puzzle, you will also quickly get that there can be quality differences in something as simple as sudoku.
There is an app store version that is not free that comes with puzzles, while the web version is just the scaffolding for users to make and share puzzles. But combine the web app with something like Logic Masters Germany and you will have more puzzles than you'll be able to solve in your lifetime.
If you want to try it out, I recommend starting here. Just pick one and click on the link below the puzzle description. No download required, works on all platforms that have a web browser. Once you have opened a sudoku, you won't need an active internet connection.
Very insightful. You seem like you know what you are talking about.
What about hard vegetables that take a long time to become soft like carrots in a bolognese?
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I strongly recommend Sapiens: a short story of humanity by Yuval Harari if you'd like to think about this a bit more, particulary his concept of 'myths'.
I'd guess that you'd find a summary of that chapter online without buying the whole book.
Please, indulge us!
Oh, come off it! Pharma is keeping us sick, really? Listen to yourself!
More of this please. Way closer to "science" than about 2/3 of what people post to this community.
Danke für's Teilen :)