We invented the car
I love how under most Linux threads there is war and anarchie and many know-it-all, but under this? A New Penguin? Lets Embrace him in the best Community there is.
Nice Work Man
Habe the same Problem. What exactly die you change? Generating the Image in the Windows side?
Why not a Compromise? A more flexible Abortion Ban, but free Morning after Pill and Condoms. Or highly subsidized BirthControl and Classes with the Topic prevention. Target would be smaller number of Abortion because smaler number of Tennie prec. Please overlook my Bad english.
What is I2p?
Ich benutze ein Pixel mit GraphenOS mit VPN Googlestore über Aurora... Aber ich merke das ich viele Lücken wegen Gewohnheit und meinem Umfeld unbeantwortet lasse. Whatsapp, discord...
Yes i did see that in YouTube. My question is, is there a Projekt that does the same thing with an old Android phone
Oh i did read a bit about it. I would say it sounds good. And i like that its Fedora based. And it is not immutable, thats something i think i dont't want, because oft the higher lern curve Thanks
Yes i heard of it. I think its fedora based. I will look Into that
Not all Phones habe qr code detection in the camera mode