That's not surprising. The amount of technologies that have come out recently that use up huge amounts of power are fucking us over. Especially Bitcoin and AI.
How do I get banned from OneDrive? Upload shit tons of garbage to clog their drives? I know they could probably add more space faster than I can upload but it would still make me happy to slowly feed them useless files that only take up space.
That's niave. You don't think words are spoken behind closed doors. All the paperwork is to cover their ass so they can point to it later when questions. Everything gets swept under the rug when you are hired to investigate the people who hired you.
Looking this passage up the "he" is not capitalized in the several I checked.
I don't think these people work with enough people. I'm working with a few 60+ people and a few of them should've retired at 60.
I'm sure they could put temporary solar panels on the containers. It would be more work but would it save enough on fuel to make it worth it? Who knows.
Depends on the country. This wiki article goes over a bunch of countries.
I think it's to prevent you from being coerced to do something you shouldn't by threats to loved ones. If you are unattached you can't be blackmailed.
The article is talking about video call consultations with nurses. Read the article or argue the point.
Thanks. Still smaller than the power brick that came with the laptop.
I used the larger lid for a bit but found it a little large and I never used the suction support so I made a new lid without room for it.
Well if they have a problem with it why are they doing it?
There is a picture on the site showing how to use but you'd have to know what the honing guide is too for that to make sense. This really is only good for people who want to sharpen a chisel.
If you're more curious the print basically replaces the one made in this video.