Wtf did they do to his legs??
Uh...bad street brawler was amazing
That would absolutely be a great start :D
Yeah I wish I knew, honestly. I'd hate to make Pele pay to apply. That's just a money maker for business with no intention to hire.
Getting a little desperate
Well that's lame af. But that doesn't really address my question.
This just makes me think of every thread complaining about smart tvs and every comment saying "just buy a monitor!"
For those complaining that it's a terrible idea, and it may well be, have your ever been on the receiving end of shotgunned resumes?
What's a good solution to this?
These same people also solve seem to give af about the suffering of children outside of the border of the country.
I've yet to hear any evangelical cry about dead Palestinian children or the suffering of children on the other side of the American Mexican border.
Motherfucker could invent time travel and cure aids and his tennis would still be a stain on history
Kid rock covers Ave Maria?
They should be sent back but shouldn't be allowed to leave?