What'd twisted pair bring to the table? Noise reduction?
joined 2 years ago
No pandering goes a long way
I used to love batch as a kid. One time I was feeling devious so I wrote out a little script that deletes system32 and I emailed it to a classmate. I immediately burst into tears after hitting send and called her to let her know to delete the email.
You don't use that stall. What happens if you have to shit at any given time, go looking for urinals?
Trail of blood from the leech
Nothing will ever be the push you are looking for
Kids these days are getting shot in schools.
That's just a gaming PC man. Install steam big picture or whatever its called and voila
Yeah but the real ingenuity is in the child labor
Crick is plenty cromulent, there's no need for the quotes
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It took many years and plenty of iteration to make it there. It feels like a fever dream remembering the days Sal's realm and tip.it were king. Remember when the game map wasn't even in game, they just had a image linked at the top of the webpage?