I'll take some bricks right here.
When I had a Nvidia card in my computer years ago i had to use an Nvidia ppa for drivers. It was the only way I could get it to work.
Hey man I know it's been awhile. I was able to harvest my first plant ever yesterday! It's not the prettiest like some of y'all's in here but she's in the drying phase for the next 10 days then to cure. I've learned a lot and am very proud of what I was able to do with little to no knowledge at the start. They still need to be trimmed up more and had a hot summer here in MD but she's very kiefy & sticky as hell. I also added a few pictures of my indoor hydro grow I started about 50 or so days ago!
Facts again.
Again still being down voted. Alot! These pro Palestine need to actually read what has actually happened over there and what Israel and the Jewish have been through over there I got humbled real quick watching this.its funny how they can scream kill the Jews but when the Jews say kill the Palestinians it's instantly pulled back. It's only Hamas. Well didn't jiltwr say kill and gas all Jews. We are walking right back to ww2 again it's ridiculous.
And I know most will go eww Ben Shapiro. Dudes spewing facts look it up.
Don't know why you are getting down voted when that's literally what happened.
I mean referring to yourself is a cry for help. It's out there bro get it .
Fuel efficiency yes. These newer diesel motors go into dpf mode around 300 miles to burn off any diesel soot. Which in turn uses more diesel and tanks the fuel economy. I get why some guys do it especially when the egr system goes up. But rolling coal is fucking stupid. Terrible on the motor too.
Sound like he was a cancer in the locker room anyway so good riddance. For someone who seems they were handed the world. He complained about everything damn thing. Dudes has an ego problem.
Finally got to watch it great show! Can't wait to see where they go with Swerve he needs a title!