L'umanita' e' condannata.
Not gonna lie, I ship those two a little bit. <3
Io sono su Kbin e sono piu' che contento, ma capisco perfettamente quello che dici riguardo la UI.
L'utenza non se ne andra' finche' la "merdificazione" (Cory Doctorow docet) di Reddit continua su livelli ritenuti ancora accettabili dalla maggioranza.
Se e quando Reddit produrra' la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso - cosi' come successe con Digg e con Tumblr - allora gli utenti migreranno su altre piattaforme come il Fediverso.
Among all Fediverse softwares, Kbin is the one I like the most - from the clean interface to the local community, which I really like - just the right balance between serious topics and memes, and decent comment quality.
Even if I'm most active on some federated communities, I don't plan to switch anytime soon.
The only headscratcher that - more than "not like", just puzzled me a bit - is the different naming convention (magazines, microblogs, etc.), but again it's a small thing.
Se ricordo bene da qualche vecchio Reddit AMA, i postini per comodita' preparano dei percorsi o delle zone prefissate da battere nello stesso modo e tempistica. Evidentemente il tuo negozio e' in una zona scalognata :(
I feel you. I hate that question. I'm over 50, don't have kids and the reasons are only mine. And my wife's.
Not considering vaporware or failed products (e.g. Eolo car):
The Esperanto language. (Yes, I'm old)
Blockchain. Yes, it has its use, but it's not the pervasive, all-use game changer it was claimed to be.
Sony Betamax. Pity because it was better than VHS.
New Coke. Nuff said.
Qui Abu Dhabi: confermo che anche i prezzi interni sono ancora (relativamente) alti. Gli altri paesi OPEC si sono allineati.
A quanto leggo, la perdita del figlio ha contribuito non poco. RIP.
They need Trump's rabid following to have any chance in the upcoming election, simple as that. Relying on the Dem's inanity and self-sabotage tendencies is too much of a risk, so they are resigned to kiss the orange oaf's arse to save their seats.
I'm sure a vast majority of the Rep MP's is secretly hoping Trump gets properly incarcerated and invalidated in some way from running, so that they can say "sorry, not our fault" and return to autonomy.